Chapter 32

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The sound of the gun going off still rang in my ears, even after a few moments. I squeezed my hands over my ears in pain and stayed in the doubled-over position. It was as if my mind and body didn't want to register what was going on; just in case they didn't like what they found out. Jungkook and Yoongi both had guns, the only difference was that Yoongi already had his one ready. I didn't feel any other pain in my body other than my ears so I definitely wasn't shot. Hang on, I thought suddenly, Yoongi had a BB gun so that must mean...

My body jumped out of its confused state and turned to stare at Jungkook. He had a look of surprise but triumph on his face which made me realise what must have happened. I grinned and walked over to the other side of the room where I saw a figure of a body sprawled onto the ground. Yoongi had a pool of blood underneath him which only got wider and wider the more he lay there helpless. I bent down at his head and he looked up at me with bloodshot eyes. 

"So how does it feel to be taken down by a couple of teenagers?" I asked almost laughing.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes and scoffed. "This is just a whole big joke to you right? You won't be smiling for long, you can trust me on that" 

I smirked and looked for the gun wound on his body. My heart leaped when I saw a huge patch of blood on the side of his stomach; there was no way he would survive that, especially with all the blood leaking out of it. My hand snaked to the wound and I pressed my fingers down on it hard, causing Yoongi to flinch slightly.

"Does that hurt?" I asked sarcastically. I wiggled my fingers around the hole, teasingly.

"Not one bit" Yoongi replied, pulling a straight face. His body had barely reacted to my actions and he just lay there as if I had done nothing at all. I stood, drew my foot back and kicked him as hard as I could in the same spot. This time, Yoongi doubled over in pain and curled up into a fetus position. "Fucking hell" Yoongi mumbled.

"Now does that hurt?" I asked, slowly growing angry. Seeing Yoongi on the floor, made my mind flash back to Jimin lying in my arms, blood seeping out of him and life leaving his eyes slowly but surely. I kicked Yoongi again, making him curse to himself again. I wasn't going to let him die without him knowing what he did to me. I promised Jimin and Namjoon that I will avenge them and that's exactly what I am going to do. 

I bent down and grabbed Yoongi by his shirt. "Don't think I am just gonna let you get away with what you did" I hissed at him.

"Here we go again..." Yoongi said, taking a deep breath. "I don't give a..."

I interrupted him by landing a punch square in the nose. "Fuck you" I drew my fist back and punched again and again, not caring about my broken hand. In fact, I no longer felt the pain in it anymore. Every punch I threw only made me angrier and angrier and thirsty for more. Adrenaline rose inside of me as my knuckles connected with his face. My mind forcefully went back to memories of Jimin, Namjoon and I together, laughing and joking around as if we had the world to ourselves. Now all of that has been taking away from me by one man. I punched harder, feeling bones start to crack underneath my fist. Yoongi's face was now full of cuts and bruises with blood seeping out of them. 

I was about to throw another punch when a hand yanked me off Yoongi. "What the fuck are you doing?" Jungkook asked. His face was full of annoyance and he glared at me intensely. "You do realise that by doing this, you are no better than him."

"But I said I would make him pay...."

"And you did" Jungkook snapped. "We will be the reason for his death and that is enough. Do you think he gives a shit about what he did? He is a psychopath; he ruins people's lives as a hobby for God's sake. You are wasting our time and his time"

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