Chapter 33

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I looked over at the door that would eventually lead us to freedom. Something just didn't feel right that we got off so easily. Maybe Yoongi was more delusional than we thought and he wasn't really a 'psycho mastermind'. Jungkook scooted himself over to Yoongi's body and bent down over him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the detonator that Yoongi had once threatened us with. My mind went back to when Yoongi was shot and when I had beat him up. He could have easily just pressed the button and blow all the dorms to shit... but he didn't.

"What do you think we should do with it?" Jungkook asked. There was a long silence as I thought of what to say. Half of me thought we should destroy it for everyone's safety and peace of mind, but the other half thought that we should keep it in case of an emergency. 

"Maybe we should keep it" I said, half instructing, half asking for Jungkook's approval. Jungkook's raised his eyebrows and and nodded. I guess there was nobody else who would want to destroy the dorms so everybody would be safe anyways. Jungkook was about to place the detonator into his back pocket when I stopped him. 

"Wait, pass it to me" I said. If Jungkook falls, the detonator could easily go off if it was in his back pocket. Thank goodness the detonator hadn't gone off when Yoongi was shot and beaten I thought. Jungkook gave me the detonator and I put it in my pocket carefully. 

"Are you sure it's safe?" Jungkook asked with his voice full of worry. 

"Trust me, it's all good" I said, causing Jungkook to flash a small smile. I looked over to the other side of the room and caught sight of Taehyung still lying on the ground, probably very much dead. A flash of sorrow pulsed through me as I thought about his life story. Yoongi just shot him like he meant nothing to him. I walked over to him and bent down by his head. His hair was the same colour as the pool of blood that surrounded his whole body and his face was much paler than before. I ran my hand through his hair, which was as soft as a feather, and sighed. "I'm sorry Taehyung" I whispered.

"What are we going to do with him?" A voice suddenly said, causing me to jump in fright. I hadn't noticed that Jungkook had walked behind me to examine Tae with me. 

"Well, he is dead so we will come back for him like the others right?" I said, looking up at Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes was full of guilt which meant that he must have been thinking the same thing that I was. He folded his arms over his naked body and sighed too.

"Yeah okay" Jungkook's eyes switched to my broken hand which was still navigating its way through Tae's hair. "How is your hand?" he asked, clearly concerned. As soon as Jungkook mentioned my hand, waves of pain, that I thought I had gotten rid of, pulsed back into my hand. I winced at every movement of my little finger and removed my hand out from Tae's hair. Jungkook's shirt was no longer fastened around my hand and hung loosely of it instead. My hand was also bloody from when I beat up Yoongi, but I couldn't tell if it was my blood or Yoongi's blood... or both. 

"Y/N your finger is not going to heal if you don't go easy on it" Jungkook grabbed my hand in frustration, causing my to wince again, and tried to wrap it round my hand again in a timely manner. 

"I think you should take your shirt back" I suggested. Jungkook furrowed his brows in disagreement but did not once look back up at me. Instead, he continued to wrap his shirt around my hand. "Jungkook, we are going to go outside and you have no shirt on. You will get sick..."

"You are my priority, not me. I will be fine Y/N so don't worry" Jungkook interrupted. He finished wrapping my hand and looked at it, content with what he had done and completely brushing off what I had just said. "Now are we going to finally leave or not?" Jungkook asked.

We both looked over at the door to freedom and Tae's voice rang in my head: I wouldn't trust that if I were you. Yoongi was gone so that wasn't relevant anymore right? "Okay let's go" I said and after that we both paced to the door in unison.


Behind the door, there was another room, just like Tae had said. The room was the same as the last and so I didn't think we had anything to worry about. The only thing I was focused on was the next door which led to the outside. Without saying a word, Jungkook and I made our way to the door and opened it together. A huge gust of cold wind hit our bodies forcefully, causing us to shiver violently, especially Jungkook. The light blinded our eyes we struggled to open them; it was as if we hadn't seen the light in years. 

After a while, my eyes were finally able to adjust to my surroundings. We were still in the woods but in a small clearing which allowed my to see the passed the trees. The sky was an orange colour, signifying that it was almost dawn. That's weird I thought, it should be around 1 pm right now. I looked at my watch which read 12:57 pm. My watch had been in time with the game so what's happening now? That doesn't matter right now, we can finally go home a voice said in my head

Jungkook grabbed my arm and I turned to him immediately. His face held a huge grin as he looked ahead of him, making me do the same. I gasped in relief and excitement as I saw a familiar face in front us: it looked like the prime minister of England, Boris Johnson. "Holy shit" I whispered. Never had I ever been so thankful for the English government in my life. Boris stared at us with a smile on his face and I smiled back happily. Accompanying Boris were soldiers from the army in full uniform, standing by their vehicles, waiting for instruction from Boris. Strangely, I didn't see any police officers but I definitely trusted army members more than police officers. 

Relief flooded me as I thought about what was going to happen now; I would see my mum, Jimin and Namjoon would get a proper burial and Jungkook and I could properly pursue our relationship. I thought about the rest of the campers in the dorms. Did they have any idea about what would have happened to them? We all came to the camp thinking that we would have fun with friends but we were destined for the complete opposite. At least now they have nothing to be afraid of; the Prime Minister was here to put an end to all this.

 Boris waved his hands towards us and smiled again. "So what has been happening here?" Boris asked. Before I could reply, Jungkook had already started. 

"We were part of this game that has killed about eleven kids so far. The leader of the game, Yoongi, and all his accomplices are dead already and...."

"Okay" Boris interrupted. His face had suddenly become stern and he stared at us coldly; t reminded me painfully of Jin. "Well it has taken so long and so much just find you... to the point where I myself had to come all the way here to get you. You teenagers are real survivors..." Surely our parents knew we had come to this camp? And how would they know that there was a problem here? 

"Thanks" Jungkook said. "We need to get Y/N here to a hospital because she broke her hand..."

"Don't worry there will be no need for that" Boris replied, waving it off. "Where is Yoongi?" Boris asked. Wait how does he know Yoongi? 

"Stop" I whispered to Jungkook. However, he hadn't heard me.

"He is dead; we killed him as self defense"

"Oh that's a bummer" Boris sad.

Jungkook looked at me confused. "Why?" His voice went a bit high pitched.

"I need him - well I didn't break him out of prison for nothing" Boris said and at that, my heart came to a halt. 

Truth or Dare (BTS horror fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن