Chapter 18

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My heart stopped for the tenth time today as I read the card over and over again. It can't be me yet. I'm not ready to die. At the same time, I would rather die if it meant that Jungkook and Jin got to live to see another day. I had to show them that although everybody who has done one of these tasks, or at least attempted it, has died, they still have hope to live. All you need to do, Y/N, is follow the rules of the game. But Namjoon followed the rules and he still died...

A hand interrupted my thoughts and I knew exactly who it was due to the brief butterflies that entered my stomach. Jungkook took my face in his hands and looked into my eyes with a worried but confident expression on his face. "You are going to be alright okay"


"Listen to me!" He stopped me abruptly and I fell silent. He searched my eyes with his big ones for signs of fear but I made sure I kept my emotions away from him. I was the leader which meant that I had to show them that I wasn't scared. Jungkook smiled softly and caressed my cheek with his thumb. "You don't have to hide your emotions from us. We are all in this together"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Hey you said to me first so I'm just telling you to take your own advice" he sighed and smiled at me. "Look... whatever happens, I want to say that I am so sorry for what I did to you before. I was an idiot and an immature bitch. But this game... and being with you has helped me realise that I care about you and I will always be with you. So you have to do this. Do it for Namjoon, do it for Jimin and... do it for me" 

I looked up into his eyes which were sparkling in the little light that entered the room and I instantly felt relaxed. He moved his body closer and closer until it was just about touching mine. He slowly leaned his head towards mine, tilting it slightly which caused me to do the same. After what seemed like ages, our lips connected and sparks instantly flew between us. My lips moved to vibe with his and wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. His hands flew to my waist and pulled me closer to his body. His lips were as soft as a feather and I couldn't help but tangle my fingers in his dark, silky hair. 

Our kiss was interrupted by Jin clearing his throat. "Does it look like the time and place to be doing this? I am not trying to die here, so Y/N get your ass in that glass box and let's start. We only have about two and a half hours left."

I hesitantly let go of Jungkook. Our chests were heaving as if we just did a 200 metre sprint and our bodies were still pressed together. Jungkook smirked at me and sighed. "You can do this okay. I believe in you" He pecked me on the lips and let go of me. My heart raced and I realised that I had just made out with Jungkook. My school bully. Something didn't feel right; if Jimin was still alive I wouldn't have kissed Jungkook. Jimin liked me too but he didn't get a chance to try things with me. I frowned and decided to focus on what I had to do to stay alive. I will worry about Jungkook later.

"I'm not doing shit until we know exactly what I have to do" I glared and Jin, "what if I get stuck or something and I can't get out?"

"I guess I already read the card..." said Jin, rubbing the back of his neck with his large hands. I grabbed the card from the ground and read it: You have to wait inside the glass box whilst the rest of the contestants look for a red button to let you out. 

"What does it say?" Jungkook asked, his hands were on his hips and he was clearly concerned. I gave the card to him and he read it multiple times before frowning. "I guess you can predict the future Jin"

"I was the one who found it, wasn't I?" snapped Jin.

"No, I did actually. Your memory is shredding already" Jungkook scowled and turned to me. "Why the hell is the dare looking so simple, but when we start, Yoongi pulls up some mystery shit?"

"I guess that's just the game" Jin said. I sighed and looked at my watch. Jin was right, we had about two and a half hours left and we still had to do Jungkook and Jin's tasks before we could get out of here.

"Come on, we need to start" I looked at him one last time and turned to get inside the box. My legs trembled at every step I took towards the box but I managed to get there before Jungkook got too worried about me. The door was cold and thick and I stepped inside to feel the cold straightaway. Jungkook closed the door behind me and I heard a sharp click coming from the door. I pushed the door. Nothing happened. I banged the door with all my might but still, the box stayed in place. I was locked in. Please let this not be another Namjoon situation I thought.

When I realised that I was never going to get out without Jin and Jungkook finding the button, I looked around the box. The glass was very thick and hefty, just like the door and it was bigger than it looked from the outside. The ceiling of the box was also almost double my height. That was good because I am claustrophobic as hell. I looked over at Jungkook and Jin who had already started looking for the red button. Jungkook, sensing that I was looking at him, spun around and looked at me. I placed my hand slowly on the glass and smiled and he smiled back, mouthed something encouraging and went back to work.

I removed my hand and ran backwards quickly as I felt something strange; it seemed like the walls had just moved. I walked towards the glass to stroke its thick frame, hoping that my senses were playing tricks on me. As soon as my hand touched the glass, I felt it jolt towards me in a sharp and fast motion again. I jumped backwards again in fright and snatched my hand back. My heart started to beat rapidly and it was as if I could hear it all around me. What the hell was that? I thought. My hands began to become sweaty and shaky as I tried to figure out was going on. Maybe my senses were playing with me because I was so scared? Then it hit me: the walls were going to close in on me. That was the 'mystery shit' that came with the task.

A rush of adrenaline flooded my body as I realised that I needed to alert Jin and Jungkook before it was too late. I bravely rushed to the door and started it banging on it, trying to get Jungkook's and Jin's attention. At every touch of the glass, the walls moved closer and closer towards me and the ceiling lowered itself closer too, both in little jolts. I didn't care though; I had to tell Jin and Jungkook about what was happening before it was too late for me. 

"JIN, JUNGKOOK, HURRY UP; THE WALLS ARE CLOSING IN ON ME" I screamed at the top of my lungs. However, Jin and Jungkook didn't even glance my way. They were so invested in looking for the button that it was as if I hadn't said or done anything at all. What the hell... I thought. I continued to bang and scream from behind the wall but the only reaction it caused, was the silent jolts coming from the walls and ceiling. Why couldn't they hear me? I have been screaming so loud...

Then something hit me for the second time, but harder this time: the box must be sound proof. That explained why it seemed like Jungkook only mouthed something to me when we exchanged smiles and why Jin and Jungkook couldn't hear me when I was screaming and banging. Accepting my fate, I rested my forehead on the glass in defeat which caused the walls to move towards me again. My touch on the glass must be the trigger for the walls to move. I sighed and sat on the floor in a cross-legged position. Maybe if I don't touch the glass, the walls won't move anymore? 

Due to my constant bangs on the glass, the box had shrunk significantly and it looked like it could now only hold about five people in it, instead of fifteen. I bowed my head and began to cry again. The game was bound to be hiding the button in some place that nobody would ever think of. The room was quite dark as well which made it even more impossible to find the button before our time ran out to complete the game. We still had Jungkook and Jin's tasks to do too. Looks like even if I do survive this shit, we are all dead meat anyways. 

I pictured Jimin lying on me and dying. His last emotions were hope for me and the rest of us and I couldn't even respect that anymore. I failed him: we were never going to get out of here alive, and not in body bags. In fact, Yoongi would probably leave our bodies to rot to scare the next contestants. Oh yeah, the next contestants; there was still about 21 kids left to play the game. They were completely oblivious to the fact that they would all be dead by the end of the week. I stared down at my feet and caught a glimmer coming from underneath the glass. I moved my feet out of the way and realised that the glimmer was coming off something red. It was the button. 

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