Chapter 21

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My hand shook as I placed my hand on the glass and almost immediately, the glass reacted to my touch and started to move towards me in little jolts. My pulse quickened dangerously as I watched the box get smaller and smaller. My death was not that far away; I imagined myself being crushed to death in this box. Nobody would be able to hear my screams as blood splattered everywhere and me shouting for mercy. My hand urged to be removed from the glass for my own safety but I had to do this. I had to carry out my task. 

The box was almost touching my skin now and was sending shock waves throughout my body, so I looked over at Jin and Jungkook, who were still observing me cautiously. As soon as they saw me catch a glance at them, they smiled in encouragement and gave me a thumbs up. I looked down and saw that the button was still underneath the glass and the box still had quite a long way to go before Jungkook could reach it. 

I jumped as I felt the four sides of the glass grasp my arm, sending cold shivers up my spine. The ceiling was almost level with my head, causing my head to spin wildly. My breathing quickened and my body became overly sweaty; was this the end? My legs gave way and I collapsed onto the floor, bashing my head on the glass as I fell. There was no need to keep my hand on the glass: the glass was slowly squeezing in on my body already. My quickened breaths turned into desperate wheezing and the squeezing of my weak chest caused the pain to be unbearable.  

I looked one last time at Jungkook and Jin who were shouting at each other. They must have seen me collapse. I curled up into a ball and closed my eyes shut, not wanting to see the walls crush me to death little by little. I thought about Jimin and Namjoon and whether they felt like this when they were dying. Panic. Hopelessness. Acceptance that they were going to die. I could barely even wheeze anymore as the box was squeezing my stomach and gnawing at the rest of my body. The pain had arrived fully and I squirmed helplessly as the remaining space in the box became very scarce.  

I'm sorry Jimin. I'm sorry Namjoon. I'm sorry Jungkook. I'm sorry for failing you. I took one last deep breathe and flinched as I welcomed the box to close on me fully. Nothing happened. I opened my eyes slowly and let out my breath as I realised the box had stopped moving. The walls weren't jolting anymore and had stopped just before they had practically dislocated my legs and arms. From the corner of my eye, I saw Jungkook rush to were I was curled up on the ground and bang on the wall for my attention. 

My head was still fuzzy, making it difficult to adapt to what was going on. Why weren't the walls moving anymore? I should be dead by now. I placed my injured hand on the glass accidentally and flinched, expecting it to move again. But again nothing happened. The ceiling was so close to me that it was as if I had been buried alive in a coffin. The box was still squeezing my body so I could barely move without the risk of injuring myself. I lifted my head to look ahead and caught sight of the door which had turned into a little square now. 

Jungkook rushed to the door of the box and stood there staring at me in worry and panic. I turned my head slowly towards him, still trying to wrap my head around what was going on, and when we made eye contact, he smiled at me. "It's okay now... you are safe" he mouthed to me. Wait what? I thought, we did it. I had completed the task, but wasn't Yoongi going to make sure I died anyways? That's what he did to Namjoon. Maybe I should get out now so that it doesn't happen to me too.

I forcefully dragged my hand from my side, creating friction between my skin and the thick glass which caused burns to erupt onto my skin. My hand was still shaking as I used my bloody fingers to push the door cautiously. The door swung open easily and fresh air flew into the box and surrounded me happily. I used my good hand and my feet to drag me out of the little door, creating more painful burns and rolled onto the hard, dirty floor by Jungkook's feet. Jungkook immediately knelt down and pulled me into a deep hug. I had actually done it and I am not dead... yet. 

I wrapped my weak arms around Jungkook and buried my head into his chest. I could hear and feel his heart beating rapidly and his breathing was quick and uneven. "Y/N the side of your head is bleeding" I pressed the side of my head and instantly recieved a huge headache which caused me to groan in pain. I must have injured myself when I bashed my head on the glass. 

"Oh my God, it actually looks quite bad. We don't even have any ice to stop it from swelling and..." I pulled away from the hug, knelt in front of him so our heads were level with each others, and cupped his face into my hands. "I'm okay Jungkook, we did it so we can all be safe now. We can sort out all of my injuries afterwards"

Jungkook placed his hand on top of mine and smiled. "No, you did it. We wouldn't have been able to do it if you weren't so brave. I am so glad you are alright" In one swift movement, he grabbed my waist and pulled me into a short but deep kiss, leaving me utterly surprised. "I am so proud of you" he said. He smirked when he saw my shocked and flushed face and stood up. 

"What? You have never been kissed before?" Jin said, making me roll my eyes in annoyance. They were going to use that against me for as long as they could. I guess it's my fault anyways. I stood up, walked over to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek, leaving him just as shocked as I was when Jungkook kissed me. "I owe my life to you Jin. If it wasn't for you coming up with that genius plan, I would probably be dead by now"

"It's fine, I just want you and the rest of us to be safe" I grinned at him and glanced at my watch. I almost screamed when I saw the time. We only had forty minutes left until we are all eliminated. All that work we did to get me out of the box alive would be for nothing if we don't get out of here on time. 

"Guys we have less than an hour left, we need to get moving" Jungkook's smirk transformed into panic and he walked towards the door. He stopped by the door and looked back at Jin and I, who were still standing there worriedly. "Come on" My body was still very weak and I was still recovering from the panic attack I had in the box. Even thinking about my experience in the box made me quiver in fear and panic. Gotta go insane to stay sane I thought about the last motivational thought I had in my head before I did the task. I guess I was going to stay insane forever. 

Jin and I exchanged glances and forced ourselves to make our way to the door where someone else could potentially die in the next task. Just before I entered the next room, I glanced behind me at the box which was a lot smaller than it was initially. I did it Jimin and Namjoon, I survived for you. I imagined their faces smiling down at me from wherever they were now, making me cringe but grin happily at the same time. It was either Jungkook or Jin next to complete the challenge and they had such little time left. It seemed almost impossible for us to complete the game on time, but all I knew was that there was no way that Yoongi was going to win this: I survived and so will Jungkook and Jin.

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