Chapter 29

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Jungkook and I ran to the next door and swung it open. We braced ourselves, swinging our guns in front of us and placing our fingers on the trigger, ready for anyone who was on the other side of that door. We paced inside carefully, looking in all directions but there was nothing. The room looked just about the same as every other room: pretty much empty, dark and smelly. 

Jungkook and I both put our guns down and stood up straight in unison. I looked at Jungkook and he had a confused but scared look on his face. He must have been thinking the same thing I was: surely J-Hope and Kai weren't the only 'bodyguards'? It didn't make any sense. I was pretty sure Yoongi wasn't going to just give up and let us go free without any issues. 

"What the fuck is this?" Jungkook said. His eyes jolted around the room like he was expecting something to fall out of the sky or come out of the walls. "This can't be it right?" Jungkook's voice was high pitched in fear. I didn't blame him; I too was scared shitless. The feeling of waiting for something bad to happen that would probably end your life was terrifying. I kept waiting for Yoongi to burst through the doors and throw a bomb at us or something. 

My eyes wandered around the room and fell on the next door that led to probably our escape. It was a strangely normal looking door: it was painted white and had no blood stains or anything like that on it. In fact, it looked brand new. "Look the door, maybe we can get out of here right now!" I exclaimed. If there was any right time to escape, it would be now since nobody is here to stop us.

Jungkook's eyes snapped back and to the door and his eyes sparkled with hope. We both rushed to the door and grabbed the handle in unison. Jungkook and I turned the handle and tugged with all our might, however the door remained stead fast. I quickly let go of the work because the pain in my arm was still intense. Jungkook pushed the door and when that didn't work, he pulled it with all his strength. His biceps flexed and his abs contracted as he used his full body force to open the door. The door didn't even budge. "They fucking locked us in" Jungkook said angrily. He kicked the door impulsively and immediately regretted it when a loud crack echoed around the room painfully. Jungkook shook off the pain and grunted, his chest rising and falling as he breathed heavily and calmed down from his burst of fury. 

I looked down at his foot, concerned. Jungkook did not look like he was in a lot of pain but he slowly rubbed his foot in little circles. I knew all too well what it felt like to break a bone and it was not pretty at all. "Is it broken?" I asked. He was not facing me as if to hide his emotions yet again. 

"It's fine" he whispered.

I touched his arm and he turned to me immediately. His face soften and he sighed. "We will get out of here I promise. Just save all that anger for when we face Yoongi" I said.

Jungkook grinned at me and chuckled lightly. "Trust me, I am looking forward to the time where I can fucking bash his face in" he said, making me laugh too. "So what are we gonna do now?"

"I have no bloody idea"

The fact that we were stuck in here made me realise that this would have been the room where either me or Jungkook would have probably met Yoongi and the others, and Jin would have probably revealed that he was a backstabber. I wondered what the prize would have been if Jungkook and I just followed the game. The problem was one of us would have been dead and that couldn't happen on my watch. My mind went to the last dorm who had played Yoongi's game. Maybe there was no winner and they just killed the survivor since you can't guarantee that they would keep their mouth shut to the police?

I shook the thought out of my head forcefully and turned my attention to the room we were in. Anything could be in here, waiting for us to fall into their trap. "Maybe we should look around to make sure we are safe" I suggested. Jungkook looked at me and nodded in approval.

"If you see anything strange then report to me immediately" Jungkook instructed. I immediately turned around and rotated my body around the room. There was nothing really to be suspicious about. Jungkook was slowly pacing around the room. His hands were glued to the wall as he walked, feeling for anything that seemed odd. When he caught me staring at him, he gave me a reassuring smile and carried on with his mission. Time to get back to work before we are stuck here for real. 


Around twenty minutes had passed since we entered the room and nothing had happened yet. Jungkook and I had given up looking for anything since the room was just dust and air. We were sitting down in the back corner of the room, huddled together to keep each other as warm as possible, since it was freezing cold. I couldn't complain though, at least I wasn't shirtless like Jungkook. Neither of us had said a word from the anxiety coursing through our body and mind. What if we died from starvation or dehydration? Clearly, nobody was coming for us and dying from hunger was a slow death. Still, Yoongi was a mastermind for making this game and made sure all the other contestants died a very physically painful death, so I was sure there was no exception for us. 

I huddled closer to Jungkook and placed my head on his shoulder. "I can't believe we are really stuck here" Jungkook was the first one to speak in at least fifteen minutes. He was shivering under my touch and placed his head on top of mine.

"I still think Yoongi might be up to something. I know for a fact he would do anything to see us screaming ourselves to death"

"You got that right" Jungkook and I jumped up in one swift motion and whipped out our guns. The voice had come from the other side of the room and had a familiar sweetness to it. I slyly loaded my gun and pointed it towards the figure. We were no longer shivering; adrenaline had given us the much welcomed feeling of warmth and we were now alert more than ever. We were ready to get rid of whoever was there. 

As Jungkook and I walked towards the figure slowly, I spotted the familiar bold red hair and the boxy pearly whites that shone through the darkness. The figure was tall, much taller than me and it held its hands up in early surrender. "Wait, don't shoot. It's me... I am not who you perceive me as" My mind clicked as I realised that the voice was Taehyung's. 

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