Chapter 3

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I raised my hand up and knocked on the white painted wooden door.

I ran out of anxiety medication, and I needed to just do something to try and calm down after another night with a nightmare.

The light turned on from inside and I anxiously checked my watch.


The door opens and I see a sleepy Jaden.  He's in black sweatpants and a white tank top that show off his tattoos clearly. "Kyle?" He rubs his eyes together.

"I'm sorry it's so late I just...a nightmare and...I can't calm down. Fuck I'm sorry I should just go." I try to explain.

"Woah woah, no, come inside. Right now." He grabs my wrist and pulls me into his house. He shuts the door behind us and he leads the way into his tv room.

"Do you need to talk about it?" He asks me, as he points to the couch, pretty much demanding that I sit down with the stare he gave me.

"I just need to not think about it." Was all I say as I sat down on his couch, pulling my knees up to my chest. My hand subconsciously pulls out my chain from under my shirt and toys around with his ring. It brought me comfort in some sort of odd way.

I hear some things being moved around in his kitchen, because it was an open space between the room I was in and where he was.

He comes into the tv room and takes a seat next to me on his brown leather couch, handing me a cup of iced coffee.

Bless Jadens pure soul.

I immediately start to practically inhale the drink, until I feel his hand slowing me down.

"Woah, don't drink to fast. You'll choke dude." I furrows his eyebrows in concern, and his eyes flick down to the ring around my neck

No ones ever seen it before, well, not until now at least.

"May I ask who's that is?" He nods down to my chain, and I look down on it. The gold band imbedded with small tiny diamonds flashed back brightly at me.

I sigh. I may as well tell Jaden about him.

"Uh, it was my mates." I whisper, and set the half full cup of coffee down on the table across the couch.

His eyes practically bulge out of his head in shock.

"You have a mate? And you never told me?" He practically yells.

I wince at the sudden increase in volume. My head already hurt enough.

"I had a mate." I make sure to put emphases on the word 'had'.

He seemed to catch onto the point quickly. "Oh, I'm sorry."

That has me rolling my eyes. This is exactly why I never told anyone about him. They would just get all sympathetic, and I was already so over that bullshit.

"Is that what your nightmares are about?" He asks, almost afraid that he's pressing to far.

I hesitate, then nod. "It's the same thing every time." My eyes roam around the room, just to see anything else besides Jadens facial expressions.

He was about to speak again before his phone buzzing cut him off. He reached into his sweatpants pocket and pulled it out.

"Hold on, its Berkeley. Shes working a night shift with her brother." He tells me, and I nod, reaching for the coffee again as he answers the call.

I hear a bunch of quick mumbled words through the phone, and Jaden trying to keep up.

"Wait wait, you forgot something?"

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