Chapter 4

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My legs were crossed over each other as I sat on the couch, both of my hands hugging the knee on top, and my foot that wasn't on the ground quickly moving up in down due to nerves.

Hearing the same ticking sound the clock made in the silent room made it even worse.

A therapist sat across from me, her blonde hair, a little white with age, pulled back into a tight bun. Her hands relaxed as the pen and clipboard were useless to her, due to me not speaking.

Finally, I caved in due to the awkward silence. I uncrossed my legs prepared for stand up and to just leave the room.

"Look, I'm sorry for not really speaking. My friend booked this for me, and I don't really need to have a session. It's better if I just go." I point towards the door and begin to stand up.

"Sit down, Mr. Urie. You still have another ten minutes left, and as you know, these sessions are expensive. I want you to get as much time with them as you possibly can." She calmly states, like she's done this hundreds of times.

I sigh, and my leg starts shaking again.

"Why do you think your friend signed you up for an appointment?" She finally begins to jot a few things down on her clipboard.

"None of your business." I snap.

She just glances up from writing, and examines me. Eventually she shifted in her seat, setting her things aside.

"You're anxious." Was all she said.

I shake my head and quickly deny it, but she continues.

"Your leg shaking is a dead giveaway. Same with your foot earlier. I'm beginning to think that maybe your friend was right with signing you up."

I look around for a name tag or plaque of any sort. I see a certificate of hers on the wall.

Dr. Cecilia Browning.

That's nice, now I can put a name to a face.

"Listen, Dr Browning, my friend is just overly concerned for me all the time. I'm absolutely fine." I give her a smile, and control my leg to stop it from shaking.

She opens her mouth, but shuts it after contemplating some more.

After a few more moments, she speaks again.

"I'll let you leave earlier. But on your way out, fill another form to set up another appointment when you are ready." She stands up, and I do the same.

I give her a grateful nod before walking out of her office and to the desk.

I speak to the receptionist just enough for her to put a form in another clipboard and hand it to me. I smile in thanks and sit down in the lobby.

My eyes skin over the page, words just entering and leaving my mind without my head processing any of it.

"You're supposed to fill that out, you know." An all too familiar deep voice surprises me, and I practically jump out of my seat, and lose my grasp on my clipboard and pen.

I quickly somehow manage to grasp the clipboard and pull it into my body, thanking the moon goddess that the pen was attached to it via a tiny rope.

My eyes land on Ransom, who carefully watches me with an amused expression on his face. He leans back in the chair nonchalantly.

"Jesus Christ, don't scare me like that." I relax my hold on the clipboard, and put my hand over my chest, to relax myself I guess.

He just tilts his head, his hazel eyes not leaving my body.

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