Chapter 29

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I opened my eyes, and bright light basically blinded me. So I quickly close them, and try again, but more slowly as my eyes adjust.

I'm in a clear tall grass field, nothing around me for miles. It was dead silent, no birds chirping, no bees buzzing, no nothing.

The silence was deafening.

The sky was clear, a bright blue. No cloud in sight, and no breeze either.

I turned around, now seeing a tree that hadn't been there before when I first scanned my surroundings.

It was an oak tree, and on one of the branches there was a swing, empty, unmoving.

Suddenly, I get a massive pain in my head, and memories begin to wash over me.

I had been stabbed. That was the very last thing I remember before coming here.

Was I dead?

Is this what peace was like?

My version of peace?

The pain travels to my abdomen, and my hands grab at the spot. I look down at my clothes, but not a single drop of blood stained the fabric or even my skin.

The pain dulls, and that's when I can manage to control myself.

I glance back at the tree, and that's when I notice someone on the swing.

"Hello?" I shout, hoping my voice would carry easily.

My voice seemed incredibly loud as it broke the sound of the silence.

But the person did not look back at me.

So I begin walking towards the tree and the person, and as I get closer, I recognize the blond hair that I will never be able to shake from my mind.

I stop next to Easton, as he's sitting on the swing, just looking out on the field.

I know he knows I'm here, but his blue eyes are staring straight ahead at the calm, peaceful field in front of us.

Eventually, I find my words to speak.

"Am I dead?" I whisper, scared that my normal voice would sound too loud.

A small smile tugs at the corners of Easton's mouth.

"I don't know." He tells me, and I found no trace of lying in his voice.

I just give a tiny nod, even more confused now than I was before. That question did not help me one bit.

"When I died, I went straight past this place. I didn't even get a chance here, because my body could not survive what killed me," Easton begins.

I relax, because this didn't seem like any nightmare, nor any dream. It just seemed like a normal experience, based off of the situation I was currently in.

I don't know what situation I'm in though, but it just makes sense.

"Souls that come here, call someone they know that died, to help them. I don't know why I'm here, just like you, so I guess it's a good time to tell me why you called me." Easton turns and meets my gaze, and I suck in a breath at the color of his eyes.

They always took my breath away, no matter what.

"I don't know why I called you here." I stammer, not knowing what to say.

"Explain why you're here then. Maybe that will help." His smile grows into one of comfort, and he reaches one hand out to mine.

I hesitate, and then take his hand. It feels so real, unlike any dream or nightmare I have ever had with him.

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