Chapter 9

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My eyes looked back and forth on my computer screen in front of me, numbers and data of the company I work for going right through my mind without my brain processing any of the information.

I groan, and rub my hands over my face in frustration. Ever since two nights ago I haven't been able to focus on anything at all. It seemed more exhausting than waking up in the middle of a night from a nightmare.

My mind flashed me memories from that night, where I was stuck at Ransoms house to due a snow storm.

Him falling asleep, and even me falling asleep.

Me waking up again from the same nightmare, just way more intense, and him trying to calm me down from my screaming

I rolled my eyes. He just wanted to calm me down so he could go back to sleep.

Then I remembered me stumbling everywhere, leaving his house. Using the crutches I was given quite horribly.

And we haven't talked since then. We cuddled I guess, but I'd rather not talk about it that much.

My phone buzzing in my pocket snapped me out of my thoughts, and I reach down to grab it, Berkeleys name lighting up my screen.

I press the green answer button and raise it to my ear.

"What's up?" I ask

"Can you do me a huge favor?" She pleads.

"Sure. What do I have to do?" I furrow my brows in concern.

"Well Jadens parents surprised us by coming to town with literally no notice, and I can't take care of Ransom tonight. Can you watch over him?" Berkeley explains quickly over the phone.

I cringe. Is she serious?

"Berkeley I don't work with you? I have no clue how to do your job." I shake my head in disbelief.

"Stop shaking your head mister," I look around suspiciously. Can she see me? "I'm sending you over as a friend. Not as a care taker. I just need someone to be with him tonight and make sure he takes his medicine without doing crazy shit. Please?" She pleads again.

"Berk..." I sigh.

"You said you'd do it! I asked for a favor and you said sure. I'm counting on you to be there at 8pm tonight." She successfully declares.

Fuck her and her loopholes.

"Fine! But you owe me." I mumble.

"Thank you so much Ky! And I'll pay for your coffee for a week, how about that?" She reasons.

"Two weeks." I bargain.

The other end of the phone is silent for a moment, as she debates my offer, before sighing and giving in. "Alright fine, two weeks. But one coffee a day." I can feel her intense stare through the phone.

"Two weeks it is then! I'll be over at his place at 8."


And here I was, nervously standing outside of his door.

I close my eyes and raise my hand to knock.

This was gonna be awkward as hell.

A few seconds pass before I hear his door unlocking, as he opens it, clearly surprised when he saw me.

"Kyle?" Ransom asks.

"I'm covering for Berkeley tonight." I simply explain before he can question me.

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