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-Eight Months Later-

"How are you feeling today?" Dr. Browning asked me, setting her clipboard aside to focus on me.

I begin to give a side to side type of nod. "I'm okay."

She raises an eyebrow, and I realize I probably wasn't so convincing.

"No, I'm actually doing okay, I promise." I reassure, more firmly this time.

Dr. Browning nods, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "And why?"

"Why am I okay?"

She hums.

"I got back in contact with some family back in Ohio, and I met someone, someone who loves me just as much as I love them. Also I have fantastic friends, who can be a great support system if I ever need it." I smile brightly, feeling endlessly grateful for everyone currently in my life.

"This person who you love, do they know?" She claps her hands together, and I proudly nod.

"A few months ago we told each other that we loved each other. Sometimes we get on the topic of marriage, but we're comfortable with where we're at right now and we don't want to press ahead just quite yet." I explain, and she nods.

"I totally understand that. As long as you guys are communicating properly, you'll be okay."

I nod. We'll be okay.


"So? How did it go?" Jaden asks as soon as I sit across from him in the booth, Ransom sitting right next to me.

"Good. I mean obviously there are some sessions that are hard, because therapy isn't easy, but today she told me she's downing my prescription, and I won't need as much." I say enthusiastically.

I can't tell you how excited I am to get off antidepressants. Dr. Browning told me how I had actually abused the pills a while ago, and that I reached out for help at the perfect time.

Ransom puts his arm around me, kissing my cheek. "I'm so proud." He whispers to me, and I can't help my smile that grows bigger.

"How's everything with Berkeley and Talia?" I ask Jaden, and he sighs.

"Talia wakes us up so much during the night. I'm just glad we can take shifts with her." He explains, taking a sip of his coffee, which I'm sure he desperately needs right now.

Turns out that just right before Ransom and I went to Ohio, Berkeley got pregnant and they had their daughter, Talia, not even a week ago.

"Just let me know if you guys need any help or a break to rest." I tell Jaden seriously, and he chuckles.

"I'll take you up on that, trust me. And if I somehow don't, Berkeley will." He tells me, and Ransom laughs.

"And how are your sessions going?" Jaden glances over to Ransom, and he shrugs.

"I can't say the same as Kyle, but I'm better than when I started. And I'm surprised I can recognize that."

"Any episodes?" Jaden asks.

Now to a group of normal people, that question can be very intrusive, but not between Jaden, Berkeley, Ransom, and I. We all tell each other everything. Like I said in my therapy session- a great support system.

"Last one was four nights ago." Ransom shrugs.

It was a bad episode. With him, 'good' episodes are him just seeing a vision or something triggering. But a 'bad' episode will last hours, entire nights, and I have to be careful with him. But after a while he will recognize me and I'll help him for the night.

"Bad?" He asks carefully, and Ransom looks down.

"Hey, you're getting better. And getting better isn't just a stroll in the park." I lean into Ransom and reassure him.

Ransom gives me a grateful smile.

Even though we have our nights and moments- we were all getting better.


"Is the table set?" I walk into my kitchen, and Berkeley shakes her head, cutting up some cilantro for the dinner she's making.

"No, but the food is almost done, and my parents will be here an about half an hour?" She glances to me, and I nod.

"I'll go ahead and set it up for you." I offer, grabbing a stack of plates.

"No! You're not even dressed yet, are you kidding me Kyle? Have Ransom or Jaden do it, I already know they're ready." She points the wooden spoon in her hands at me, and I set down the plates reluctantly.

"Fine." I sigh.

I leave the kitchen, and I see Jaden setting down Talia in a crib thing.

"You better go set the table before your wife kills you." I tell him, and he groans.

"She'll kill me before my parents do."

"Hey, at least you have parents." I joke, and he narrows his eyes.

"Alright, that was bad, I admit. Just go set the table." I put my hands up by my shoulders and back away.

Jaden glares at me, before rolling his eyes and walking to the kitchen to grab the kitchenware.

I walk back to my room, and scan through the nice formal looking shirts in my closet.

"The black one." I hear Ransom as he comes out of the bathroom.

I glance over to him, and he's tying a tie around his neck.

"No tie." I tell him. "It's just a dinner, as long as you look presentable you're alright. A tie makes it look like you're overdoing it."

Ransom looks at himself in the mirror, before nodding and taking off the tie.

I take the black button up shirt he referred too, and went into the bathroom.

I took off my current shirt, glancing down at the white scar that rested on my stomach. I look away, not wanting to flashback to that event at the moment.

I quickly put on the black shirt, and luckily it already works with the black pants I have on.

I put some gel in my hair to make myself look more presentable, and spray on a tiny amount of cologne.

I feel arms wrap around my waist, and I smile at Ransom through the mirror. His chin rested lightly on my shoulder, and he planted a small kiss on my neck.

Suddenly, my head hurts. A sharp pain is sent throughout my skull, and I groan, closing my eyes and leaning on the counter.

I vaguely hear Ransoms voice asking if I'm alright, and I don't know how to respond, because as quickly as it came, it was quickly going away.

What the hell?

When I regain my control, I stand up, taking in a deep breath and nodding.

I open my eyes, and my jaw almost hits the floor.

They were glowing amber, and I suddenly hear that voice in my head I haven't heard for seven years.



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