Chapter 7

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"Kyle!" I barely manage to process Ransoms voice calling out my name.

My head really hurt. Same with my leg. I wanted to get up, but I knew if I did then things would be worse than they already are.

I feel a heavy weight getting lifted off my leg, and the top part of my body being brought up and put into his lap quickly after.

"Shit, I'm so sorry." He apologizes, worry evident on his face.

I roll my eyes. "You're so fucking stupid." I groan in pain, my leg getting worse.

"Alright, I'm taking you to the hospital." He declares, and stands up with me in his arms, bridal style.

I don't have the energy to argue, so I just wrap my arms around his neck.


"You snapped your fibia." The ER Doctor showed me the xrays of my leg.

Where's my wolf when I need him? Without him, I simply function like a human does. This won't take just a simple day to heal.

"We recommend a surgery to put screws and pins in your bone so it has a stronger heal." The doctor continues to point out places where he would put in metal.

I shoot a glare to Ransom, who sat in the hospital bed near me.

"Not to mention you also have a minor concussion. So that makes the surgery a little tricker, but it's not impossible to do." He finishes.

"Sure, just do the surgery. Let me call a few friends to come and pick me up though." I sigh.

"Why do you need to call friends? You're boyfriend here is with you." The doctor points at ransom, clearly confused.

I choke on my spit. "B-Boyfriend? No, he's the idiot that caused the accident. I don't trust him to drive me home."

"Oh, sorry I just assumed-"

"Well you assumed wrong, alright?" I tear my glare away from the doctor, who's face went red with embarrassment, to my phone.

I dialed Berkeley's number, because Jaden never answered his phone.


"Hey berk, your idiot of a brother landed me in the hospital with a broken leg. I was wondering if you could come over, quickly?" I explained.

"He what? Ransom?" She sounded angry.

"Yeah. I need a surgery and I don't trust him to drive me home after what happened." I glance over to Ransom, who just looked more irritated at my rudeness.

Serves him right.

I hung up the call after Berkeley told me she would be right over with Jaden.

The doctor had long since left the room, probably to prepare my OR or whatever doctor stuff he needed to do.

"You're a werewolf right? Why can't you just super heal?" Ransom finally speaks up.

"It's more complicated than that." I mutter.

"How is it more complicated than that? Just ask your wolf or whatever to super heal so we can get out of here." He sighs.

"Again, Ransom, it's more complicated than that. I can't just ask my wolf to super heal my body." I cross my arms.

"But Berkeleys wolf does it. And she's a rogue." He leans forward.

"Well mine doesn't! Alright? Stop asking me questions about this." I am literally seconds away from ripping this guys head off, mate or not.

"And why does yours not super heal?" He asks lowly.

"Because my wolf hasn't been around for years! Alright? I can't ask him to 'super heal' me because I'm pretty sure he's dead at this point and I'm nothing more than a human. So please, shut the hell up." I yell at him.

His mouth parts slightly with shock, but I look away, blinking back frustrated tears.

Why did I have to have the worst luck with mates?

The curtain parts open a while after the conversation between me and Ransom went silent, and Jaden and Berkeley smiled at me.

"What the fuck happened?" Berkeley demanded. Her small 5 foot tall frame stormed over to ransom as she swatted his head.

I hold back showing my amusement at that, because ransom is easily 6'4", so the height difference and attitude difference was hilarious.

"I didn't do anything! He's the one that turned the four wheeler." Ransom nods to me, and Berkeley looked over to me.

"But you were the one driving, and I asked you to turn at least twice, but you were so in your head over something that you didn't listen! Goddess, how many times do I have to tell you that you're an idiot." I growl.

"Alright guys, calm the hell down." Jaden stands between me and Ransom.

"Why should I? I have a broken bone and a concussion because of him." I roll my eyes.

"Technically, both of you are at fault." Berkeley tries to reason.

"I didn't have any control over the vehicle! And I didn't want to die from a barbed wire fence." I shake my head.

Berkeleys head snaps over to Ransom, and they share some sort of sibling look before she takes his wrist and drags him out to another room.

"Kyle, why were you even with Ransom anyways?" Jaden sits down on the doctors stool that can roll around.

"I keep seeing him everywhere. Trust me, I don't want to be with Ransom, but he's a stubborn bitch." I ran my hands through my brown hair.

"You keep seeing him everywhere?" Jaden narrows his eyes.

"When we first saw each other at his apartment, I've seen him at the therapists office, and the cafe this morning. He insisted we go do something together." I purse my lips.

"Listen Kyle, you know Ransom isn't mentally okay. Him doing things like four wheeling will trigger some of his worst memories. Even barbed wire." Jaden explains seriously.

"Why barbed wire? Why does that trigger him so bad?" I examine Jaden face.

"You know I can't tell you that Kyle. That's for Ransom to tell you, and him only. Why is all of this so important to you anyways?" He tilts his head.

"Because he fucking broke my leg, thats why." I point to the splint on my leg.

"Kyle." He gives me a certain stare that says 'don't you dare lie to me.'

I'm not about to go and tell him that Ransom and I are mates. No way.

"I'm not lying to you! He broke my leg." I complain, and being to feel my breathing go heavy.

Not another Anxiety attack.

My medication. Fuck, I need my medication.

Jaden quickly gets up and tries to calm me down by breathing exercises and calm touches on my shoulder.

"I forgot to pick up my medication today. My anxiety is really bad right now, Jaden." I whisper, suddenly feeling very small and defenseless.

"I'll go pick it up for you, okay? And I'll be back for you after your surgery." He tells me after I get my breathing back in control.

I nod.

Just as long as I get my medication.

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