Reagan Family x Reagan!Married!Reader Part Two

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This is a part two to the previous Reagan Family x Reagan!Married!Reader which is in Book Two

Requested by tanakatsumugi

Shaking your head, you walked down the stairs, your father stopped you with a cough. Your father huffed, "I love you and I want you to be happy, you are my little girl." You sighed, "I am happy dad, he makes me happy. I love him." Your father smiled, "Then I guess, I will have to live with that." You smiled. "He's a good person, dad. He works for the government, he breaks codes for them, so we are going back to Korea for his job. I don't think it would be a good idea for you to visit us for a while." Frank watched you walked over to join, your family, he knew there was something you weren't telling him and knowing you, you wouldn't unless you had good reason.

You had been right, your family visiting would have ended in disaster, but thankfully they hadn't joined you in Korea. Your secret however had come out, your husband was a government spy, working for both Korea and the US. After the secret had come out, your family was understandably mad that you hadn't disclosed this, they did understand why you had kept it a secret. Now you had moved permanently back to the US, so you were closer to your family. Your husband was still going to be a spy for both agencies, hopefully with less travelling but you knew better. Since you had moved back your family practically your older brother Danny, and your father had become slightly more over protective. Jamie, and Erin both understood that you could protect yourself but had also amped up their protectiveness of you. You found it slightly irritating, especially since you had the skills to protect yourself.

You had been spy with a US agency when you had met your husband, you had saved his life a few times and he had returned the favour once or twice. Now after the birth of your children and your husband's active status as a spy, you had become an analyst for the federal government. Decoding encryptions and translating languages which you could do anywhere so when you had moved to Korea you mainly worked from home. As you had moved back to the US, you worked in the office building your agency had in New York.

Due to your skill with languages, Danny, your older brother asked you to translate for his case, it was a language that no one in the NYPD spoke, at least to his knowledge and if they did, he probably wouldn't trust them the way he trusted you. Pulling up at your brother's station, you jumped out of the car and was about to head inside when exited with his partner. You smiled at Maria Baez as she walked beside your older brother. "Hey." She grinned back at you. "We are going to talk to a witness, we need you to translate for us." You nodded, "Still don't speak, Tagalog or Romanian, Danny?" He gave a fake laugh, "No, but then I'm not as smart as you." You climbed into the back seat, as they hopped in the front. "How many languages do you speak?" Baez questioned. "Seven." Baez widened her eyes, "seven? What languages do you speak? And why learn so many?" You smiled as your brother drove, towards the witness' house. "You armed?" He asked you. "Yes, Danny. And it's registered." You turned back to Baez. "I liked the idea of being contented to so many places and being able to talk to so many people. I speak, English, obviously, Spanish, Korea, Tagalog, Romanian, Arabic and Latin." Baez nodded impressed.

The witness spoke only Tagalog, so you translated for your brother and for her. As you spoke with her, a car pulled up outside, there was a pause before the house was fired upon. You were pulled to the ground by Danny as you did the same with the witness. Baez and Danny dashed out when the gunfire stopped, you helped the witness pressing down on her wound, ignoring the blood that trickled down your own arm. Danny came back in and called for an ambulance. He blanched when he saw your wound and pressed harshly on your flesh wound.

Sunday dinner was tense, Danny was mad that you had gotten hurt. Your husband, Joonki was annoyed that you had gotten hurt but understood that is hadn't been anyone's fault. Your two sons Jihyo and Jongdae were mildly upset that you had gotten hurt. Danny pursed his lips and stabbed at a carrot that was resisting arrest. Danny had gotten into a fight with your husband when he had met you at the hospital, the lingering tension remained till the traditional Sunday dinner. "What is going on?" Your father spoke with his deep voice concerned with his two children fighting. "Nothing." Danny bit back. You shrugged, "nothing." You ate a carrot. "Well then..." He was cut off by Danny, "You could have been killed!" He shouted at you, "You could have been killed too, did you ever think about that?" You shouted back. "I've been hurt a lot worse than this." You reminded him, raising your injured arm as evidence. Joonki shifted going pale with the reminder of finding you bleeding out from a stomach wound when you had been an active spy. "I have been trained by my agency Danny. I was a good spy, hell I still am. I am very good at my job and more than capable of protecting myself." You drew in heavy breaths at the end of your rant. "Language." Your grandfather muttered at his end of the table. You rolled your eyes.

Danny shifted in his seat, feeling the eyes of everyone at the table on him. "Sorry." He looked over at you, "But you are my kid sister and I will always be protective of you." Your father cleared his throat, you all looked at him, he rose his eyebrows at you. "Thank you, Danny." He sighed, "Not what I meant." Danny rose, rounded the table, you stood as well, and he hugged you. He clapped Joonki on the shoulder and gave him a smile before hugging him when he too stood. Your sons received hugs as well when they jumped up. "Good now that, we're a family again." Your husband chuckled along with the others as Danny sat back down. "Pass the potatoes." 

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