Daniel 'Danny' & Linda Reagan x Katie Reagan Part Two

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Requested by hardywoman99

Katie was taking the last few weeks of the semester off, a suggestion from the college guidance counsellor. She was thankful for the break, but also annoyed by it. Katie wanted the distraction of studying. She had also moved back home, something that was more than a suggestion from her parents. Katie had been grateful for the suggestion, she wanted to move back for a few weeks for the feeling of safety she had with her parents.

When they had gotten back from Sunday dinner, her parents had sent her brothers to their rooms and they sat Katie at the dinning room table. "Your mother and I have something we want to discuss with you." Katie looked at her parents, the concern flooding their features. Danny gave an attempt of a smile to put his daughter at ease. Katie bit her lip, "yeah." Linda reached across the table took one of her daughter's hands, Danny did the same thing. "We think that maybe you should talk to someone about it. You've not been yourself, and honey, we're worried about you. It may help you feel better, find a good way of working through how your feeling." Katie sighed. "It only has to be for one session and if you don't want to continue; you don't have to. But you should talk to someone." Their daughter nodded before shrugging, she stood as did both her parents. Danny pulled his little girl into a tight hug, bringing his wife into the hug as well. Danny kissed the top of Katie's head, "we're here for you, kid. We're always here for you."

The next day, Katie found herself in her therapist's office. She glanced around at the pile of toys scattered in the corner, to one of the couches with stuffed animals lay haphazardly on the seat. Colourful posters on mental health adorned the walls, the therapist was nice enough. Her greying hair was pulled back into a chignon, a few hairs framing her face. "Katie, I can't help if you don't talk to me." Hera, the therapist spoke in a soft almost motherly manner. Katie shrugged, "how was your day yesterday?" Katie spoke softly, "fine." Hera pursed her lips, "do you have any plans for the weekend?" Katie shook her head. Hera sighed softly, "Katie, honey, I know that you have been through a lot. You do need to talk about it." Katie shook her head once more, "fine if not with me, then with someone who loves you." The session didn't go much further than that, Katie left tugging her coat closer around her as the cold autumn wind whipped around her. Her phone buzzed with a text; it was from her mother asking if she was okay. A second text came through, this time one from her father asking the same question. Katie's hands were shaking, so she just kept walking instead of going home. Soon Katie found herself in some courtyard, the bare branches of the trees reaching out, it seemed in the middle of her panic attack that they were reaching out to her. She staggered to a bench and tried to control her breathing. Katie began to calm down, as the panic in her blood subsided; she heard her name being called.

She looked up and saw her Uncle Jamie who was in his running gear with his pratol partner, Eddie Janko. Eddie had a grin slipping from her face, the remnants of a laugh falling from her lips. Jamie crouched in front Katie and she could see the sheen of sweat on his brow evidence from his run, despite the freezing wind that was now picking up. Eddie muttered something to Jamie when there was a sudden cold wind that ripped through the courtyard that Katie was sitting in causing her to shiver. Jamie nodded and Eddie ran off. Jamie pulled his phone out, "I'm just gonna call Danny and Linda alright? They're worried about you, they just called me, okay?" Katie nodded, Jamie leaned up and covered Katie's shaking hands with one of his. "Hey, Danny. Yeah, she's okay. Looks like she had a panic attack. I have her, yeah, I'll give her a ride home. Yeah, Danny." Jamie held the phone out to Katie, who slipped one of her hands from Jamie's to take it. "Hey dad." Katie could hear the sigh of relief that slipped from her father's lips and her mother's voice in the background. Danny consoled his daughter as she apologised and began to cry. She wiped the tears from her cheeks as Jamie moved to sit on the bench beside her. He wrapped an arm around his niece as Eddie came back, she was holding three takeaway cups. She handed one to Jamie and sipped out of another herself. When Katie hung up and leaned on her uncle; Eddie handed her a cup. "Hot chocolate, should warm you up." The trio waited for a bit, "Uncle Jamie?" Katie began her voice small and quiet. "Yeah, kiddo?" Katie sniffed. "Can we have a movie night, like we used to?" Jamie looked down at his niece before looking up at Eddie who got a wicked grin on her face.

"You can spend the night with me and Jamie, we're not on shift tomorrow; so, you can stay as late as you want. You know, we can have a movie night. I make some gooey brownies, and we can eat ice-cream and pizza and a bunch of sugary candy. We can make Jamie sit through all the romantic comedies I own, which is a lot. What do ya think?" Katie gave a small genuine smile, one of her first since the kidnapping. Jamie noticed it and smiled himself, "yeah kiddo, you can come over and we can have a movie night. Let me call Danny, okay?" Jamie stood and moved off, as he made the call he watched as his partner sat down and talked to his niece. Katie smiled genuinely at Eddie; this prompted Jamie to smile to then tell his brother that his daughter was connecting with someone and maybe she would be alright after a little more time and support. 

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