Part 4 "Boys will be boys"

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That was an excellent meal with some great conversation. I had a great time trying to get to know my new roommates.

Miki and myself got into the dishes and cleaned the kitchen.It was around 11 pm when we finished. I decided to go back to the boys bedroom as I was tired again but also wanted to reflect on all the impressions of today "A new country, a new city and 5 new roommates", it was a lot to process!

Miki and Dan joined me shortly in the boys bedroom, it seemed everyone needed a good rest.

While Dan tried to get organised with his clothes he asked "So boys, what's your impression of the girls...any favourite?

Miki laughed and replied, "I hardly had time to get to know them, you are a quick operator Dan".

To my amusement Dan agreed "No time like the present my friends!" and continued saying the although we are like new brothers it will not stop him from pursuing any girl he likes whether we like it or not.

I decided to give a more mature opinion as I was impressed with all three for different reasons

"Jane is clearly a woman who likes to be in control" I said. Miki smiled and said "Did she tell you that until last month she was in the Army?". Dan rubbed his hands and said "GI Jane commando woman". In a way I was not surprised she had an army background, she seemed high energy and a straight person.

I continued "She is clearly a very caring as well and compared to the other 2 maybe the most mature. And comparatively close to my age"

"Lin is a cute girl; I am keen to get to know her more. She is also full of energy and has mysterious eyes that seem to hide something, I wonder what her true personality is"

"Daisy, well my god she is one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen plus she has a bubbly happy go lucky attitude which makes talking to her very easy."

Dan and Miki agreed. "The girl next door mixed with princess blood" Dan said.

We turned the lights of and wished each other a good night. This somehow felt like I was back in the boy scouts.

My mind drifted off as I wondered how dating works in this new country for me. I realised that although I was keen to get to know Jane, Lin and Daisy I would hate to create a tension in the house among roommates.

On the other hand, with Dan being here I realised that if I would be too passive, I might be perceived as not having any interest. My goal was to be assertive but not aggressive, to test my actions for reactions seemed the most logical strategy.

That morning I woke up early at 5 am clearly the jetlag would take a few days to settle, I decided to have breakfast as my stomach was rummbling.

I went to the kitchen and to my surprise Lin was already awake. She had rolled a yoga mat out in the living room. She was wearing a tight black pants and tight top. She was performing a clearly advanced level of yoga.

I tried not to disturb her.

I checked the kitchen, no breakfast to be found. This in itself was logical as I had not done any shopping.

Lin said: "give me 10 minutes and let see if we can find some food outside"

We both freshened up and took the elevator down to look for some food options but at this time in the morning the local 7 11 seemed our best choice.

We ordered 2 coffee's and 2 croissants and sat down on 2 small chairs located within the 7 11 café.

Lin was bright awake after her yoga session and told me about her study and her passion for music, particularly singing. She also mentioned her strict upbringing where school was always number 1.

She asked, "How does a foreign guy like you ended up in the Makati Transfer" before taking a bite of her croissant. She seemed genuinely interested and I truly enjoyed the conversation

She inquired about my love life but at 6 am in the morning I could only answer "that's a long story for another day"

We walked back to the apartment. As I held the elevator door I couldn't help to notice her cute body shape, toned and round in the right places. I make sure she didn't notice my wandering eyes.

I felt satisfied after my coffee with Lin and stepped back in the boys bedroom for a couple of more hours sleep.

Miki and Dan were already awake as well. Dan said: "why are you so early Stan"

I smiled and replied "I just had my first date" Miki laughed loudly and turned his head "The Dutchman has a head start on you Dan".

I looked at Miki and said: "No time like the present....brothers!"

Dan rolled his eyes and laughed 

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