fourteen: harry

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"You two should date", Liam suddenly blurts out, while we're preparing ourselves to sleep. The hotel only gave us three rooms, Niall took the first one and Louis took the second. Liam and I ended up having to share the last bedroom, but it's not a bad thing. I like to talk with him, he's a very enjoyable company when he's not worried about his girlfriend or something like that.

Just like now.

"What?" I ask, without looking at him, my focus still on the baggage I left in the mattress once we came to the hotel.

"You and Niall", my eyes go widen with this. Come on, Harry, control yourself. "You two should date."

"You joking."

"Nah, not joking this time. I'm serious."

"Then why you think I should ever try to love Niall?" My question sounds a bit weird once the words slip out of my mouth, just because I'm trying very hard not to care about the topic.

"Don't pretend you don't love that dude already", Liam laughs, more of himself than of me. "Everybody loves Niall."

"An universal fact."

"I just think you guys complete each other. He's not... you know, him."

"Thank God he's not", I say in a low voice, hoping he does not hear me. "I mean, I don't know. We only see each other as great friends who happen to know each other's families way too well."

"Families doing well with each other? Oh, God, make it happen, please", he jokes, making me laugh this time. "Don't tell me you two also like to spend a whole evening drinking tea and talking about nothing for three hours straight until you guys get sleepy and the bed is inviting you two to rest."

"Huh, I won't tell you if you don't wanna know." I smirk.

"No way! You really do it with him?" I hear his exciting screams. 

He can do that fangirling thing sometimes.

"Nah, just kidding", I shrug, finally resting myself in the bed, laying my head in the pillow, my eyes staring at the ceiling of the room. "Niall hates tea. He only drinks it when he's sick."

I'm not looking at Liam now, but I know he's giving me a glance that could make me flush right now. And I know exactly why he's doing this.

"You know too much things about that blonde."

"I know a lot of things about you, too!" I try to defend myself. 

"Tell me one thing about me, Harry."

"You hate every single song that you wrote for the band."


"Every new song we write together, you take an opportunity to bury the previous one", I say, receiving nothing but silence from my bandmate right after.

"Okay, maybe you got a point", he lays on his own bed, in the same position as me now. "But let me finish it with one last argument."

"It's a free country. Speak your mind."

"If you're not really that interested in dating Niall, then why are you trying so hard to change my mind about that idea?"

"Oh, Liam Payne. Always right." Niall comments, right after I tell him that pretty story about Liam trying to pair the blondie with me on our last press tour. "We should call him and tell him he was right the whole damn time."

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