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Knocking trinkets over, fumbling with the alarm clock, Autumn shut off the clanging device. The glaring red digits flipped from 5:59 to 6:00 a.m.

Sitting up, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. For most of the night, she slept in short intervals, her thoughts swinging back and forth on the identity of the anonymous donor.

Her gut told her it was Maddox. She needed confirmation. She wouldn't get it until she confronted him. If he is the one who donated the five-thousand dollars, why?

The word charity case resonated in her mind. The thought infuriated her. She didn't want to be anyone's charity case. Especially his.

She grimaced at the irony of her thoughts. Not too long ago, she entertained the thought of using him for his money. It was a moment of weakness that she wasn't proud of. It was also why she didn't go through with it. Her pride wouldn't let her.

"I guess I take after dad in that aspect," she thought. She chucked the covers off her and climbed out of bed. 


Stepping out of the shower, Maddox rubbed the condensation off the mirror. Wiping his hand on the towel draped on the towel rack, he picked up the can of hair mousse sitting on the soapstone countertop.

Squeezing a glop into the palm of his hand, he spread the foamy substance through his dark locks. His lips curled into a smile. He wished he could've seen her face when she saw the amount he donated.

Goosebumps poked through his skin. If he knew that doing a good deed felt this satisfying, he'd do it more often. It could be his penance. His atonement for what happened with Marc.

He glimpsed his blurry reflection. The smile withered from his face. Who was he kidding? He was a hypocrite. Doing a good deed will never make up for the role he played in Marc's current condition.

Revulsion swirled in his belly. He felt a compulsion to retch. Nothing would ever absolve his guilt.


Jogging down the stairs, Autumn found her father, a penitent look on his face, waiting for her. "Are we good?" he said, unease in his tone.

A beat of silence between them, Autumn nodded.  "Yeah."

His features relaxed. "Good."

Tugging her arm, he embraced her. Tear pinpricks filling her eyes, Autumn buried her face into his chest. His shirt had a sweet fragrance like morning rain. Drawing back, she gazed up into her father's scruffy face. "I love you, dad," she said. His eyes shimmered. "I love you too."

A camera flash startled them.

Both turned to see Abby, an apron tied around her waist, standing in the living with a wide grin on her face. "I had to savor the moment," she said.

Chuckles tempered the tension in the room.

"What's going on?" A small voice squeaked. All eyes turned to Ace, in his pajamas, standing at the edge of the stairs, a blanket clenched in his fisted hand.

"Come here, kid," Ashton said. The boy raced down the stairs and leaped into his father's waiting arms. He hoisted him high in the arm. "Everything is all right," he said. He looked over at his wife, and daughter nuzzled together. "We're all right."

The boy threw his arms up into the air. "Let's go eat breakfast!" he exclaimed.


The garage door rising, Maddox headed towards his Ford Escape, book bag slung over his shoulder. He had an incoming call. Checking the id, he hit Ignore.

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