No Fairytale

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Maddox pulled his Ford Escape alongside the curb, a short distance from the Fleetwood residence as Autumn requested.  Releasing the seatbelt, Autumn pulled the sun visor down to check her appearance. Her hair was messy, her clothes disheveled. She attempted in vain to smooth out the wrinkles on her shirt. 

"You look beautiful," he said, biting his lip.

She whipped her head up, giving the boy a skeptical stare. 

Chuckling, he leaned over the console. "You were amazing," he said. He closed the distance between them, fusing their lips together in a passionate kiss.

Her legs turning to jelly, Autumn pulled away for fear of losing herself. Her body had already betrayed her once. She didn't need a repeat. 

"I'll call you," he said. 

She tucked her hair behind her ear. "Okay."



She stepped out of the car and waved goodbye. The vehicle out of sight, Autumn wiped her mouth, the act over. Though she thought it not possible, she could have sex with Maddox and turn off her emotions. Maybe acting is her calling. She's good at it. Besides, she needed to release some pent up tension. What a release it was.

Her physical needs attended to, she had no need for him anymore. So what if that made her cold-hearted. She didn't care. She was through with letting people toy with her emotions.

Maddox deserved contempt. Nothing else. If he could use her, then she had no problem using him. To hell with his feelings. That was her mantra. She would keep repeating it until the ache in her chest dulled. Her eyes smarted.

Around the corner, she saw her house up ahead. Nara's Honda Civic parked in the driveway. Autumn fumed. "She'd better have a good explanation for ditching me earlier," she muttered, picking up the pace.


"Well, look what the cat brought in?"

Maddox slammed the door shut behind him. "I thought you wouldn't be here," he grumbled under his breath. 

"I heard that," his stepfather said, gesturing to his ear; his speech slurred. 

"You're drunk," Maddox muttered. 

"What's wrong with that?" the man growled. "Can't I have a drink once in a while?" 

Maddox gritted his teeth. "I can't talk to you when you're like this." He started toward his bedroom.

"At least one of us had a good time," the man quipped. Maddox stopped in his tracks.

"You made quite the racket," the man said, chuckling. 

Maddox's eyes widened. "I... I thought no one was here. You were listening?"

The man smirked. "The walls aren't exactly soundproof. Maddox felt an inclination to pummel the slime.

"Might as well have fun while you can, kid," the man winked. "Once you're an adult, it all blows to hell."

Maddox regarded the man. He spoke as someone who regretted their life choices. Could getting involved with his mother be one of them? 

"Where's mom?" 

"Sleeping," the man replied. "She had a little too much to drink at the party."

Maddox pursed his lips, grim-faced. "I see." Lately, his mother has been downing alcohol like water. It bothered him. He wondered if she was becoming an alcoholic.

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