Grey Days

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The video had gone viral. It had so many views; the site streaming it crashed. It dominated all conversations, no matter the social circle.

Maddox went from being a prankster to a pariah. Autumn couldn't find it within herself to care. She had hardened her heart. She didn't come out of the situation unscathed either.

Lurking on social media, she found her name trending as the one who leaked the video. Despite her denials, many didn't believe her. Some even voicing their support of her underhanded methods. To her dismay, Selby had to end up making her Instagram account private because of the increased attention.

Things weren't rosy on the home-front. Ashton went on a warpath. Learning of the viral video and Autumn's name mixed up in it, he forbade her from talking to Maddox. She didn't have to worry about speaking to him. Maddox went radio silent since leaving the dance hall. The night before last, she checked her phone for no particular reason, not a call or text.

The brief financial stability her family enjoyed ended as well. The Impala sat in an auto body shop, a mechanic's lien placed on the vehicle until receiving payment. Unfortunately, buying expensive gadgets—-the virtual headset being one such item—-depleted the remaining funds from the GoFundMe campaign. They were right back where they started—deep in debt.

With nothing else to do but ponder, Autumn looked forward to returning to school to get back a semblance of normalcy. That wasn't her only reason. She wanted—needed—-to keep herself occupied. Thoughts of Maddox crept into her mind during her idle time. She didn't want to think of him. She didn't want him taking up space inside her head. Out of sight, out of mind. She would keep repeating it until she believed it.

She checked the time and groaned. Time she could have used getting a bite to eat, she wasted letting her thoughts get away from her. "C'mon, Autumn," she muttered to herself, "Get it together."

Book bag hanging over her arm, she dashed down the steps. The kitchen smelled of bacon, sausage, and other mouth-watering goodness.

She kissed her mother on the cheek. "Morning, mom." Opening a box of cereal bars, she stuffed a couple inside her purse.

Turning the bacon sizzling in the skillet, her mother wiped her hands on her apron. "Morning, sweetheart," she replied. Adjusting the temperature on the burner, she whirled around, eyeing her daughter as though her thoughts were in turmoil. "How are you?"

Avoiding her mother's probing stare, Autumn dropped her eyes; her attention focused on the chipped nail art on her fingers. It looked hideous. "Fine," she singsonged.

Her hands shaking, her mother clasped them together. "Honey did you and Maddox—"

A honk of a horn broke the tension in the room.

Breathing a sigh of relief for the interruption, Autumn threw her book bag over her shoulder. "That's Nara. I have to go."

As she turned to leave, her mother grabbed her by the arm. "Mom?" Autumn said wide-eyed.

Stammering, her mother opened her mouth. Tears swam in her eyes. "Please. Be careful."

Gently, Autumn eased her arm from her mother's grip. "I will," she said, her voice soft-spoken.

Her mother nodded, the creases on her forehead betraying the worry on her face. She fisted the edges of her apron. "I love you."

"I love you too, Mom," Autumn replied, holding back the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

The honking persisted.

"I have to go," Autumn said, making a hasty exit. As she closed the front door, she heard her mother's muffled weeping.

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