Thing Called Love

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The collie seated at his foot, Maddox opened the cabinet to retrieve the bag of dog food. Wagging its tail, the dog jumped to its feet as Maddox poured the dog food into the bowl. He set it on the floor. "Here you go, girl," he said, petting its head as it chowed down.

He placed the dog food back on the shelf and turned to leave when he saw from his peripheral vision his mother leaning against the doorjamb, blocking his exit.

"What's going on, Maddox?" she said, smoothing her hairline, a habit she did whenever something irritated her. Maddox noted the worry lines on her forehead. "Nothing," he said.

"Calvin told me you were rude to him. How long are you going to treat him with disrespect?" 


"For God's sake. He's pretty much your father—"

"Don't!" Maddox roared the word with such fury, the woman jumped. His eyes flashed with ire. "He's not my father.  No one can replace dad!"

The woman sighed. "He's trying to bond with you. You won't give him a chance!"

Maddox checked the time on his watch. "I have to get going," he muttered. She wouldn't budge. "What's gotten into you?" Her breath reeked of Jack Daniel's.

He scrubbed a hand over his face. "I can't do this," he said. He stepped forward. She stood still, her arms folded in defiance. "Please, mom," he pleaded.

She stepped aside, letting him pass. "We'll talk when you get back," she said. Maddox couldn't get out the door quick enough.


Autumn's phone buzzed with a text message notification while watching Ashton and Ace play Teen Titans Go!

What time is he picking you up?

Autumn checked the time in the upper corner of her phone.

In about ten minutes she fired back.

Do you need backup?

Autumn smiled.

No. I can handle it.

Okay. Give me the juicy play-by-play when you get back.

The text ended with a smiley face emoji.

Chuckling, Autumn slipped her phone inside her purse. She felt anxious yet cautious.

A horn honked outside. Ashton and Ace scampered to their feet while Abby rose from working at the computer to join Autumn, staring out the window. Seated in his Ford Escape, Maddox sat curbside, staring straight ahead.

"Isn't he chivalrous," Ashton said with sarcasm. "Dad!" Autumn groaned. She kissed him on the cheek. "See you later."  She cracked the door open. Towering over her, her father opened it wider to stand guard. Sighing, Autumn stepped outside into the humid air and descended the steps.

She heard the door click unlock as she ambled towards the vehicle. Opening the door, she climbed inside. "Hey," she said, setting her purse on the floor mat to fasten her seatbelt.

"Hey," Maddox said, tapping the steering wheel. Autumn studied his features. Normally sporting a goofy smile, the prankster was moody, his jaw tense. "Is something wrong?" 

He looked at her, his hard stare softening. "No," he replied. Looking back at her parents and brother, Autumn waved as Maddox shifted the gear and pulled away from the curb.

Watching the traffic out the window, Autumn tried to think of something to break the tension in the air.  She cleared her throat. "So, um, where are we going?"

His lips quirked. "Anywhere you want to go. Just say the word."

Contemplative, Autumn chewed her lip.

"Do you have something in mind?" he said, glancing at the auburn-haired girl.

She nodded. "There's a 1950s style diner, in midtown, with neon signs, checkerboard floor, a soda fountain, jukebox, and a fatback television."

"You've been there?" he asked.

She shook her head. "No. My dad spoke about it. I want to try out their malt shakes."

Retrieving the GPS device from the dashboard, he manned the steering wheel with his knees and set the location. He set it back inside its mount.  Autumn stared at him mystified. "That was reckless," she muttered. He flashed a smile. "Nothing I couldn't handle," he said. Autumn snorted with an eye roll.

He skimmed his gaze on her outfit and sun-kissed skin, her beauty captivating. "You look great," he said. Her cheeks turned bright red. "Thanks," she said, fingering her hair. "You're welcome," he said, his voice strangled, the desire to pull over to the side of the road and kiss her overloading his senses.

They came to a stop at the traffic light.

Autumn stole a glance at Maddox while the prankster focused on the road, his grip on the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turned white. The red designer shirt he wore contrasted against his olive skin.

A lone spiral strand of his dark hair hung over his eye, giving him a come hither vibe. She inhaled. Doing so, she caught a whiff of a woodsy fragrance that brought to her mind birch, fresh-dirt, and wet grass. Her heart raced. She pushed the air out of her lungs.

He switched on the blinker and made a left turn onto the blacktop pavement of the establishment.

"We're here," he announced. Autumn leaned forward, peering out the windshield, the seatbelt pressing into her ribcage. "It looks like something out of American Graffiti," she said, marveling. Maddox pulled the Ford Escape into the closest parking space near the entrance.

Unfastening her seatbelt, Autumn exited the vehicle. Johnny B. Goode blasted from the outdoor speaker. Maddox sniffed the air. "Mmm, I smell burgers and chili dogs."

Her stomach full from having eaten breakfast earlier, Autumn nodded.

Maddox strode ahead of her to open the door. "Ladies first," he said, bowing like a gentleman. Autumn giggled.

They stepped inside the restaurant onto the checkerboard floor. Standing side by side, Maddox brushed his hand against hers. Looking him in the eye, she smiled. A light flare bouncing off the window caught her amber eyes in its radiance, bringing out their hue like liquid gold. He stared transfixed.

"Maddox!" Autumn said, tugging his hand. He snapped out of his trance. "Our table is ready," she replied. "O-Okay," Maddox croaked. Autumn wrinkled her brow. "You okay?" "Yeah," the prankster said.

They followed the waitress, dressed in a pink button-down shirtwaist dress and white flat sneakers with a cap on her jet black hair, to a cherry-red booth, menus set on the table. They slid in. "May I have a glass of water?" Autumn said.  "Me too," Maddox interjected.  "Sure thing," the waitress said with a smile and a wink.

While the waitress went to grab their drinks, Autumn looked around the restaurant in awe at the vintage movie posters and 45s vinyl records gracing the walls. "This place is cool. My dad would love it here."

Observing Autumn's giddiness, Maddox's heart skipped. He enjoyed seeing this side of the girl who, most of the time, wore a scowl on her face like a protective mask. His cheeks warmed.

If there was one thing he was certain of, it was this. He loves her, more than he thought he could love anyone in his life. He made a promise to himself that he would do everything in his power to never lose her.

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