Troubled Waters

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Autumn lay in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. The red and orange sunset had faded to a sapphire blue with twinkling stars dotting the celestial sphere. Absorbed in the chaos that is her life, Autumn missed out on its beauty and splendor.

Stiff from lying still for a long time, she shifted to her side and grimaced. Her hips ached. She felt stretched and sore, really sore. Her phone ringtone went off. She swiped it from off the nightstand. "Hey."

"How are you feeling?"

"Good," she whisper-spoke. Crimson colored her cheeks. "How are you?" She drew her knees to her waist and quickly regretted it.

"I'm fine, baby." His voice was light and relaxed. She knew he was smiling.

"I'm glad," Autumn replied. She stifled a yawn.

"Are you sleepy, baby?"

"Just a little."

"I'll let you go. Rest well, baby. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Autumn head-nodded. "Okay. Goodnight."


She lay the phone at her side and flopped back on her pillow. A loose screw from the bed rail fell and rolled across the floor. She groaned. Her bed falling apart had to be some kind of metaphor or worse——an omen.

She picked her phone up, debating calling Nara. She needed the comfort of her voice and wanted to share with her best friend her life-altering experience. Holding her breath, she dialed her number.

She heard static on the other line. She pressed her phone closer to her ear.


She heard a snort then a melancholic chuckle.

"Well, well, well. Look who called. Did you remember that I exist?"

Autumn felt a twinge in her chest. She expected Nara to be upset. Still, hearing the soft-spoken girl speak in an angry tone was unsettling. She searched her mind for something—-anything—-to say to ease her ire.

"I... I..."

"What is it, Autumn? Spit it out already!"

"Nara, please. Can you just let me talk?"

"That's what I'm doing!" the girl snapped.

Autumn pinched the bridge of her nose and counted to ten.

"Hello! I'm waiting!"

Autumn blew out a nervous breath. "Today, Maddox and me—"

"Oh, my God. This is why you called?"

"Nara, I'm trying to tell you that—"

"You called me to talk about Maddox? Seriously?"

"Nara, listen—"

"No. You listen!"

Autumn bit down on her lip, bracing for the tirade coming her way.

"I never thought you were the type of person who would ditch their best friend for a boy."

Autumn's jaw dropped at the accusation. "Nara, that's not—"

"Let me finish!"

Autumn clamped her mouth shut.

"You're becoming like them. You're becoming like the people you said you despised. People desperate for attention and accolades that you'll do anything to be part of the popular crowd. I thought you were better than that."

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