Say Something

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After the most boring detention ever, Autumn sprinted out of the oppressive building to find Maddox waiting for her by his Ford Escape the same way Jake Ryan waited for Samantha outside the church in Sixteen Candles.

She halted her steps. "Oh, God."  She looked around the campus for Nara's Honda Civic. Confusion crossed her face.  I thought she said she'd wait for me after school.

"Hey," Maddox said, waving with a goofy smile on his face. 

Wishing lightning would strike the prankster, Autumn hoisted her book bag over her shoulder and bounded down the steps. She approached the grinning boy. "Hey," she said dryly.

"I told you I'd wait for you," he said, his chest puffed. 

"I see that," Autumn said with a tight smile. 

He swung the passenger door open. "Ladies first," he said bowing. Autumn tried not to gag. She climbed into the vehicle, annoyed with Nara for leaving her hanging.

A quiet ride later, they arrived at Maddox's house. Filled with drudgery, Autumn wracked her brain for an excuse to get out of the uncomfortable situation.

"We're here," Maddox said, biting his lip. He reached for her hand. She pulled away, pretending to scratch an itch.

His brow furrowed, Maddox wondered what was troubling his girlfriend.  Instead of asking her, he jerked the door open and stepped out. 

Exhaling a breath, Autumn swiped her eyes and exited.

The double door opened, a white collie ran out barking. Autumn backed against the Ford Escape hoping that the dog wouldn't jump on her triggering an allergic reaction.

A stylishly dressed man with a trimmed mustache, slick black hair, and shiny shoes rushed out the door, a frown on his face. He might as well have stepped out the cover of GQ Magazine.

Crimson coloring her cheeks, Autumn glanced down at her clothing, bought from an outlet store. Why couldn't her family get to live like this?

"Maddox, your mutt left shit all over the floor. What did I tell you about letting it run free all around the house!"

Maddox grabbed the excited dog by its collar as it ran towards Autumn to sniff her. "Sorry," he said. He tugged the collar, the dog whimpered. "I'll be back," he said, coaxing the dog away promising it treats.

"Hi," the man said, giving the petite girl a once-over with a lecherous glint in his eyes. Stop staring at me, Autumn thought, pulling at the hem of her shirt, attempting to cover her curvy hips.

"You are?" the man said. 

"Autumn," she mumbled. 

"I can't hear you," the man replied. 

"Autumn," she said louder. 

"You're Maddox's friend?" he said with a cheeky grin. His teeth were straight and pearly white. Most likely, veneers. 

"His girlfriend," Autumn replied, hoping her answer would deter his bedroom eyes. The thought alone gave her the heebie-jeebies.

The man smirked.  "My name is Calvin." 

"Calvin," Autumn repeated. She recalled the disdain in Maddox's tone when mentioning the man's name. Now I know why.

"I'm Maddox's stepfather. You'll never hear him call me that," the man said. The bitterness in his voice confirmed what Autumn had suspected. He and Maddox aren't close. "The kid doesn't like me. He likes my money just fine, though."

If he hadn't leered at her seconds ago, Autumn would have felt empathy for him. She wished to be anywhere but there. Gazing heavenward, she pictured herself as an enchantress in a sapphire blue velvet robe conjuring a spell to zip his mouth shut. 

The man harrumphed. "Spacing out, are we?" 

"No," Autumn replied curtly.

The man chuckled. "Maddox rarely brings friends over of the female variety." 

Strangely relieved at the thought, Autumn mumbled, "Good."

"Come to think of it, the last time he had friends over, one of them left in an ambulance." Autumn perked up at the revelation. 

"Really? What happened?"

The man shrugged. "I can't say. I didn't see what happened."

Autumn pressed for more information. "Did you see who—"

"I'm back," Maddox said, stepping into view, his pants stained with dirt and grass.

"You were horse-playing with the mutt?" the man said in disgust.

His attention focused on Autumn, Maddox reached out and took her hand, drawing her closer. Warring with her conscience, Autumn held her tongue.

The man reached in his pocket, bringing out a set of keys jingling in his hand. "I have to go. Your mother is waiting for me." He started down the walkway then stopped. "Another thing. The bar cabinet is off-limits."

Turning on his heel, he walked away, imitating John Travolta's sidewalk strut from Saturday Night Fever.

Maddox stifled a giggle while Autumn looked around the estate feeling every bit poor as she looked. He glanced over at her. She avoided eye contact. "What were you talking about?" he said. 

Autumn cast her eyes downward. "He said you two aren't close," she replied, omitting the part about a friend taken by ambulance to the hospital. 

He nodded. "It's true. We aren't close."

She lifted her eyes, her gaze, appraising. "Care to talk about it?" 

He shook his head. "No." He tugged her hand. "C'mon. Let's get inside."

Inside, he let go of her hand to close the door. The sound reverberated off the walls of the open living room. Autumn stiffened. 

He couldn't take the cold shoulder anymore.  "What's bothering you, Autumn?"   

She pinned him with a glare like daggers. "What do you mean?"

He gestured a hand in the air. "You've been acting distracted," he said. He stepped closer. "Did something happen? Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong."

"Did you ever do something that you regretted?" she said. Her voice had a sharp edge to it. Caught off guard, Maddox gulped. Autumn folded her arms, waiting for a response. 

"Yes," he whispered. 

"What did you do?" she said pointedly. A ripple of fear went through him. If he told her, he'd lose her. 

"I... I..."

"What!" Autumn said.

He wiped his clammy hands against his pants. "I copied my Geometry homework from a classmate once," he said. Silent for a moment, Autumn stared at the boy, the anger she felt burning anew.

He balled his fist, angry at himself for his cowardice. "I'm going to go get cleaned up and change from out of these grimy clothes." 

Autumn shrugged. "Okay."

Sensing the growing distance between them, Maddox approached her.  Lifting her chin with his thumb, he searched her face in hopes he hadn't blown it. His throat tightened at the hollowness he saw in her eyes. "Are you hungry? Do you want a bite to eat?"

"I'm fine," Autumn replied. 

"Okay," he said, offering a weak smile. "I'll be back." 

She nodded. 

On impulse, he hugged her. Wincing at his vicelike grip, she patted his back in a placating manner. He eased away from her, his emotions in turmoil.  

As he took his leave, Autumn mumbled, "That was your last chance, Maddox."    

Dreams Or How I Live My Life in Daydreamsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن