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Excitement for the upcoming dance swept through the school like a rabbit fever. Even Autumn found herself caught up in the festive mood, volunteering to assist with the planning. Though not very artistic, she agreed to help with creating the banners. For once, her outlook on school life wasn't one of drudgery.

A change she could do without was the attention and scrutiny she's been under since she and Maddox went public with their romance or whatever they were she didn't have a clear definition. Reactions to the coupling varied from blasé, shock, disbelief, or disappointment depending on the social ladder. All Autumn wanted was to tune everything out and spend girl time with Nara.


She hadn't spent time with her best friend because of spending more time with Maddox between classes. Guilt coagulated in her belly for being a neglectful friend.

Wandering down the hallway, she scanned the crowd for the redhead when she saw, from the corner of her eye, Lisa heading her way, her mascaraed honey-brown eyes twinkling with charm or mischief. "I come in peace," the girl said hands up, feigning surrender, a smirk on her glossy lips.

Her lips thinned to a tiny line, Autumn felt an urge to utter an expletive-filled comeback but thought better of it.

"I wanted to talk to you about Maddox," the girl said, her eyes darting back and forth for eavesdroppers. "Moreso, the person who's been keeping him company lately."

Autumn folded her arms around herself in a protective stance. "I'm listening," she said, unease filling her senses.

The girl leaned forward. "You know Dante," she said, her voice low as though mentioning his very name was akin to summoning something unholy. 

Autumn flinched. She hugged herself tighter, her discomfort palpable.

"Dante," she said after a lengthy pause.

The brunette nodded.

"Maddox said they're neighbors," Autumn said, her voice edgy.

"Dante isn't the type of person you'd want to bring home for dinner, let alone walk your dog," Lisa said. 

"I know that," Autumn replied stiffly.

The girl offered a sympathetic smile. "I'm only bringing this up because of your history with him." 

"History," Autumn hissed. 

"You know what I mean," the girl replied, batting her lashes innocently. Autumn let the topic drop. A bustling hallway wasn't the place for that kind of discussion.

"Think of this as us girls looking out for each other," Lisa said. "Girl power. All that stuff." 

"Thanks," Autumn mumbled. 

"Keep your eyes and ears open." 

"Noted," Autumn replied. She watched the brunette sashay away, wondering how she could breathe in those tight-fitting jeans.

She pinched her brow. She had a choice to make. Look for Nara or seek answers. She fished in her purse for a quarter. She'd let the game of Heads or Tails decide. She tossed the shiny coin in the air and slapped it on her hand; the results concealed. Holding her breath, she checked to see which end was up.


Nervous about inviting Autumn over to his house after school, Maddox dug in his pocket for his vape pen when Dante called out to him. 

Pivoting, he leaned against the exit, closing the door with a clang. "What?" he grumbled. The taller boy handed him a folded piece of paper. "What's this?" Maddox said.

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