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Autumn narrowed her eyes. "You followed us? Didn't you?"

Maddox raised his hands in protest. "I didn't. I swear."

Nara folded her arms, skepticism on her face. "You just happened to show up here at the same time as us?"

Maddox stammered. "It was just a coincidence."

"You're not fooling anyone," Autumn said, glowering.

He ran his fingers through his hair. "Look. I'm telling you the-"

"Maddox!" a fashionably dressed woman yelled, waving a bejeweled hand in the air. "Over here."

Autumn's eyes zigzagged from the woman to Maddox. "I thought you--"

"Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions," Maddox snapped.

His eyes, dark and angry, bore into her. Autumn couldn't look away, drawn to his gaze like a magnet.

"Maddox!" the woman called again.

His head whipped around, breaking the spell. "I'm coming."

He sidestepped the two girls and trekked over to the older woman, greeting her with a kiss on the cheek.

"That was awkward," Nara said.

Autumn watched the prankster, his back facing her, chatting with the woman, hands gesticulating in the air. Guilt bubbled inside of her.

Nara tugged the sleeve of her faded denim shirt. "C'mon. Our table is ready."

Sensing eyes on him, Maddox whipped his head towards the booth where Autumn and Nara were seated.

They shared a look. He turned away.

Observing the exchange, the woman raised her eyebrows.

He blew out a breath. "Thanks for the save."

"Don't mention it," the woman replied. She scrutinized the two girls. "The short-haired one. She's the one you asked to the dance?"

Maddox nodded, his cheeks red.

She took a sip of coffee, leaving a lipstick stain on the cup. "She's pretty but plain. Her clothes look cheap. Like something from a thrift store."

He frowned. "Don't start, Mom."

The woman shrugged. "Just an observation."

She set the coffee cup down. "I would hope that before the dance, she improves her wardrobe. A little makeup and a trim will go a long way."

Maddox picked up the glass of water and took a long gulp.


"Ahem earth to Autumn," Nara said, snapping her finger.

Caught stealing a glance at Maddox, Autumn fingered her shirt, heat radiating from her cheeks down to her neck. "Sorry," she murmured.

The redhead jerked a thumb over her shoulder. "Do you think we misjudged him?"

"I don't know," Autumn replied. "My gut tells me he followed us."

"Mind did too," Nara said. She bit her lip. "That woman called out to him as though she expected him. What was that all about?"

"She looks like him or vice versa," Autumn said.

Nara peeked over her shoulder. "Now that you've mentioned it, there is a resemblance. Maybe she's his mom."

"The jewelry on her fingers could pay off our mortgage," Autumn said.

Nara stuck out her tongue like she tasted something sour. "It's gaudy, if you ask me. I could never go out in public looking like that. Not if I don't want to get robbed."

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