First day of College

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I woke up form the loud sound of Noah 5am alarm I tried to go back to sleep when he kissed me and said "morning babe time to wake up" turned over and kissed him back "morning love" and that was the start of my first day of college I got dressed and made a smoothie and grabbed my bag kissed Noah goodbye and got in my car the I got a call from my dad

"Hey sweetie" "hey dad" "are you driving to school" "ya I have everything ready I'm nervous and excited at the same time I can't wait" "is Noah driving you" I could hear the concerning voice as he said that "nope just me" "oh" and you could hear the relief " well call me on your way home good luck kiddo" "thank you dad bye" we hung up so I put some toons on and there I was driving to my first day of college and then

I got a call form Lee "hey" he said in such a happy Tone "hey what's up" I said "I was checking on you on your first day drive to college" "how sweet of you" "I know I'm amazing" we talked all the way to school and when I got there we hung up then I got a text form Noah "have a good day" I couldn't help but smile and text back "thx love you" and there I was

As soon as I walked in it wasn't as busy as I thought it would be for a the first day I found all of my classes and it was kinda like high school the day went by fast I got a lot of work tho I texted Noah I was on my way i called my dad then called Lee then I was home

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