Am I ok

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And it was negative I was confused I looked a Noah who didn't know what to say I just hug him and cried because I didn't know what else to do I kinda with I was pregnant just for all sweet things Noah did for me I loved him more then anything and I knew he loved me to "Shelly it's ok" "I know I just wish I didn't make all hype up about me being pregnant" "it's ok it's not like we need a baby right now we have something going on and is not the right time ok"

"Noah is it bad that kinda wish I was pregnant" "no it is perfectly fine to wish that it would be nice but like I said the timing is not that good right now" he took me to the bed and we sat on the bed and I began to fall asleep in his arms his soft warm arms he put me back on the bed and we both were asleep between running back and forth with Lee and a pregnancy scare so I knew he was just has tired as me put for some reason I feel like the.

Test was wrong but of the box it said 99.9% percent  accurate was that was it wrong by 1% I'm probably just over thinking it or am I it was only a few minutes since we laid down "Noah" "ya Elle" "I feel like the test was wrong" "ok what do you want me to do about it" "can you take me to a free clinic to get a blood test" "Elle come on" "please Noah" "ok lets go" I put a jacket on and we left "if it comes out negative You have to bye me dinner" "Noah Flynn"

"I was just joking kinda" I slapped him on the are "chill woman I'm driving you and if we get in a car accident then your totally getting dinner" "Noah" and before I finish my Sentence "where here let's go in if see if your pregnant" I could of cried again there was a small part of me excited tho but it's not good timing I tried to remind myself and we walked in "Hello how can I help you today" "I'm here to see if I'm pregnant" "ok just fill out your name and a doctor will be with you"

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