Where going to be ok

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Me and know when to sit down it had to be 5 o'clock by now "Elle Evans the doctor is ready to see you" I didn't realize that me and Noah where holding hands it just felt so natural to do "ok what can I do for you today miss Evans" "I'm here to take a pregnancy test I took one and it came out negative I just want to make sure that's true""ok do you just want me to do a blood test" "yes please" "ok let me go get my things" "ok" me and Noah just sat in silence and I think he was

More nervous then me not even tow minutes later the doctor was back he took my blood and was out and now we wait for him to come back and 10 minutes later the doctor was back "ok congestion you are pregnant"  I looked at Noah and he had tears in his eyes and he kissed me it was so soft "thank you" me and Noah where walking out "good things you trusted your gut" "ya" I was looking at my belly and I was holding a baby right now how was I going to tell my dad or are family

"Elle where going to be ok" "I know but we don't have any room for a baby right now" "ok so we will find a house" "with what money Noah we both know that with the jobs we have school it's not going to make it" "ok Elle we will find new jobs" "and take care of a baby and work and do school Noah there is just one thing after another are scheduled is all ready tight" "can you just look on the bright side Elle like god damn" Noah was tight I was not looking at the positive things

"Your right Noah I can look for a job do school from home and take care of the baby and I'm sure you can find a job that has good pay" "see I knew we can do Elle and I know it hard but are sure you can do that" "ya I'm going to have to soon I'm going to big that I'm going to do school from home" "your right and I know your thinking the same thing how the hell are we going to tell are family that we're having a baby"

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