Going Home

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We had leave the next day because we need to go back to college we made sure that Lee was ok I said goodbye to Levi we got some breakfast got on plane I felt a little sick and I never really get sick Noah was able to see "hey are you ok" "ya I'm fine" "you sure" "yup" I was not I felt like I could puke right now right there and I did right then and there

"Shit Elle are you ok" they had to make an emergency landing to get it cleaned I felt so bad I mad every on late I started to cry and I don't even know why I was sick "hey Elle it's ok" "I know I don't know why I'm crying" we were only 2 hours away but it was going to be delayed so we went going to make home for a while "I think I got food poisoning" "from what" Noah asked like I should know " i didn't know"

I said in a little mean voice I felt bad right away "I'm sorry" "it's ok" we were able to take a 20 minute and get back are ticket home Lee called I told him what happened and then he joked about what about if I was pregnant and we were going to have baby's together i never though of that was I want was going happens but I had 4 day to know when The time came but all of the what if's came in my head and I got really scared "I have to go Lee" "oh ok bye elle"

"Noah" "ya Elle" "I think I'm pregnant" "what do you mean" "I just have felling you know can we pick up a pregnancy test" "Elle" I could see that he thought I was joking but his face changed when my face change we head to the store we picked up a test and left head home and I was really scared this can't happen now we we're moving to fast so fast I couldn't keep up it felt that everything was moving past me.

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