The test

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We got home I could my legs felt like jello "Noah" "yes Elle" "what if it comes out positive" "Elle if you asking if you are pregnant am I going to stay with you" "I mean I guess" "yes" I loved he knew what I was trying to say without saying it I was trying to hard not to cry we walk up the stairs and it was getting to real for me I was getting really scared we walk in the house it looked like we left it we walked to are bathroom in are room "do you want me to go"

"If you want" he didn't go "just don't watch me pee I get pee shy" "pee shy that's not a thing" "it is a thing your making me pee shy right now turn around" "ok ok" I took the test I put three minute timer on and me and Noah sat on the floor "Elle no matter what I'm going to be here for you" "I know Noah I'm just scared" "I know but I guess this is part of growing up and a part of life" "when did you become so grown up" he laugh

And then there was a loud noise it was time to look at the test I was so scared "Elle do you want me to look first" I couldn't look at it just yet "ya go head" I was so confused how I could be pregnant if I was the night me and and Noah got engaged we had sex and I couldn't remember if he put a condom on "you ready to look at it" "ya"  it was...

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