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my leg steps into the car allowing my body to climb into the seat. i shut the door, and start the car. my hand placed the car in reverse and backed out of my driveway.

i began to drive to ethan and graysons house. once i had pulled into their driveway i texted grayson that i was here.

shortly after i see their front door open and reveal and smiling grayson.

"hey soph" he said as he got into the passenger seat.

"hey gray" i greeted back, beginning to drive.

i had decided to take us to lunch at the diner. because we can talk and catch up while eating food. duh.

"so i was thinking we go to the diner and just chill and catch up?" i offered.

"i'm down" he says. we play some kid cudi since he and ethan both really love him. right now mojo so dope was playing and it happened to be graysons favorite cudi song.

he started lightly singing along as did it. we ended up getting louder and louder until we were screaming the lyrics and laughing.

when we pulled into the diner we were STILL laughing. we both chose a random booth to sit in and ordered some drinks and our regular orders.

ethan, grayson, and i come here a lot so the workers basically know us. so when they see us walk in the always ask us if we want the usual.

while we wait for our food i decide to speak up.

"so how've you're been?" i ask.

"honestly?" he paused. "no so great." i frown.

"why's that?"

"claire and i broke up. her ex boyfriend recently came back into her life and she realized that she might still have feelings for him. so she told me she didn't want to feel unfaithful to me. which i completely agree with, i would've rather her told me than hid it from me." he explained. i grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"it's gonna be okay gray. if you two were meant to be then it will happen. for now just focus on you." i softly said sending him a reassuring smile.

"thanks soph"

"your welcome gray."

an hour or two later, grayson and i had finished eating and decided to leave the diner. we both agreed on spending the rest of the day in the city because why not.

"should i ask ethan if he wants to tag along too?" i asked grayson, not wanting to leave ethan out either.

"sure, but i think he said he had a date with melody today." my heart sunk a little, but i still texted him.

me- hey gray and i are going to the city, wanna come?

ethan- i cant sorry :( hanging out with melody today

me- oh okay have fun

ethan- thanks

me- yw.

"he's hanging with melody." i said shortly.

"okay well then it looks like it's just us." he says still keeping that happy energetic smile on his face.

i began driving downtown to the city, finding myself feeling like shit.

you know what? no. you don't get to feel like shit. you still get to hang out with grayson. don't take that for granted.

i had managed to put myself into a much better mindset and grayson and i had fun.

at the end of the might we decided to just take a walk down the main street of the city. at night, the city lights are gorgeous. there's string lights hung around trees, and building lights along with street lights. it's beautiful.

gray and i continued to just talk about everything and then he brought up ethan. oh goodie.

"so ethan and melody...." he started and then stopped.

"what about them?" i asked.

"i don't know i just- something is off about her. i can feel it." he said.

i thought to myself. she didn't exactly pass the vibe check, but i that might just be because i have my own weird feelings right now.

"i don't really know her well so i don't know." i said. grayson nodded and we fell into a comfortable silence.

"we're you and ethan ever more than friends?" he asks out of no where, catching me off guard.

"nope." i say shortly but then continue. "we kissed once, but it never meant anything more than friends" grayson whips his head to me.

"you KISSED?" he asks rather loudly.

"uh yeah?"

"what- when- why- WHERE-" he begins to formulate.

"we were on a picnic playing 20 questions and he found out i had never kissed anyone so he gave me my first kiss. that's all." i said nonchalantly.

"soph that's a big deal." he said.

"no it's not. he has melody obviously it didn't mean anything." i said.

"to him, maybe not. but it did for you didn't it?" he said slowing to a stop causing me to do the same.

i slowly look up at him and nod my head. first time admiting it to anyone else AND myself.

i caught feelings for ethan.

A/N: hi thank u for all the comments i literally LOVE reading through them

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