1. The New Boy

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My name is Teddy, I'm 15 years old, and have a really big secret...


You heard me...powers, I think I was born with them, but no one in my family has them, at least that I know of. I have telekinesis, freezing breath, and super hearing. I have never told anyone and never plan on it. Maybe one day I can find someone just like me, but for now I'm just plain ol' Teddy.

I woke up at 5:30 a.m. my hair a total mess. I slid out of bed and landed on my cold floor, which brought goose bumps to my skin.

I got up and made my way to the bathroom, sliding my feet under my weight. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I jumped at my hair and laughed. I scared myself!

After a while of goofing around, I finally decided to brush my hair. I curled my long hazelnut hair and walked back into my room. I through on a Bethany Mota crop top and skinny jeans. Then I grabbed my knee high boots and slid them on.

I packed my stuff into my bag and went back to the bathroom. I took my grape vine baby lips, and rubbed it on my lips, making my lips soft with a tint of a pinkish purple.

I ran down stairs and made myself some cereal and orange juice. By the time I was done, it was 6:30 and was time to walk to my bus stop.

When my bus dropped me off at school, I walked straight to my first class so that I wasn't late. I walked in and gave my teacher a smile. Being the first in class was my normal routine. I didn't like hanging out with my friends in the morning. I was just too tired to be in a talkative mood.

"Good morning, Teddy", Ms. Borsack said, smiling.

"Mornin'." I said sitting down, dropping my heavy backpack on the ground. After that it was just silent...like usual.

The bell rang and kids came running in like crazy. I always observe the students in the morning. What they wear, how they talk, ext. Then I saw an unfamiliar face walk in. He had brown hair flipped up with sparkling brown eyes. As soon as he walks in he goes to Ms. Borsack's desk.

I couldn't hear what they were saying because of the other people. But then she pointed to the desk left of mine and he walked over to me. Ms. Borsack got up from her desk and began to talk.

"Class...we have a new student. Please tell the class your name", she said looking over to the new kid. Everyone turned towards him and he stood up.

"My name is Max Thunderman, I just moved here this week." Even his voice was cute. I only knew of him for a minute now and have already started a full on crush on Max.

Max sits back down and I turn towards him to speak, "Hey, I'm Teddy."

"Nice to meet you, Teddy. I'm Max, but you knew that 'cause I just said it to the whole class." Max gave me the cutest smirk.

"So why did you move here?" I asked Max.

"My parents got enough money to retire so, we moved. Plus, they thought the people where I used to live were a bad example for me."

"Well that's cool. I've been here my whole life. It's a nice place, but I plan on moving somewhere else when I'm older", I say to Max, smiling.

"Me too. But for now, I'm stuck here", Max smirked at me.

Max's Point of View

I sat down and looked over to my right and saw the most beautiful girl.

Why did you say that Max? I thought to myself.

"Hey, I'm Teddy", she said to me smiling. The conversation went on about me moving and leaving after school.

I tried hard to pay attention to what she was saying. But I was also lost in her eyes, her hazelnut eyes and her bouncy long hair. I couldn't stop looking at her.

In Love With a Super Villain (Max Thunderman)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum