Love 'N' stuff [Original slash] {02}

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I know everyone thinks I'm crushing on Jack, but I'm not. I mean, he's gorgeous, and like, really good in bed, and I guess I do have a little crush on him, but the guy who fills my head at night when I'm about to fall asleep and don't have the energy to block him out anymore isn't Jack. It's Matt. Those eyes. Holy fuck. And the eyelashes. They're like frigging horse's eyes. Which okay, isn't the most romantic simile ever, but that's seriously what they remind me of.

 On Sunday night while we were sitting in the living room, waiting for another Jack/Freddie argument to blow over, we started talking about college and courses, and it turns out that while Jack and Freddie both appear to be the brains of the operation – studying medicine and law respectively – we're both doing Arts.

 'What classes are you taking?' he asked, keeping one eye on the fight in case, I guess, one of them threw a punch or something. I wondered if I was the only one who could sense the sexual tension between them. Matt hadn't said anything.

 'Politics, history, English, Greek and Roman Civilisation,' I rattled off without thinking; I'd said it enough time at this point that I didn't even need to concentrate. 'You?'

 'English, history, psychology, and philosophy,' he answered in the same dull tone, and I knew he was only reciting as well, but my tummy flipped over in excitement.

 'We've got English and history first two classes tomorrow,' I said, trying not to sound too enthusiastic. 'You wanna walk in together?'

 Matt took his eyes off the blazing row in the kitchen for a second and smiled at me. I had to clamp my mouth shut in case a butterfly came out. 'Can't see why not,' he grinned, and then returned his attention to Jack and Freddie, who were almost nose to nose. 'I wish those two would just bone each other and get it over with,' he muttered quietly, making sure only I could hear it.

My eyes widened in surprise; so I wasn't the only one who noticed then.

'You don't have a thing for Freddie?' I asked as lightly as I could.

Matt laughed. 'Everyone always thinks that. But no. Freddie's like a brother or something, it would be weird.' Then he looked at me guiltily. 'Shit, sorry,' he said apologetically. 'I forgot you liked Jack; pretend I never said anything.'

I shook my head. This conversation was going better than I could ever have hoped. 'I don't like Jack. Well. Not the way you all think I do.'

Matt raised an eyebrow. 'That obvious, huh?'

I shrugged. 'I don't make it easy. I mean, I know I follow him around like a puppy or something. It's just, Freddie has you, and I know what Jack's been through, so I just want him to know that he has someone too.'

Matt wrinkled his nose and put an arm around me, mussing my hair roughly with the other. 'Nawww!' he joked, as I fell towards him on the couch, my heart racing.

'You know what, fuck you!' Jack shouted then, turning around to storm out of the kitchen.

'Yeah, you wish!' Freddie called after him, smirking.

Matt and I both sighed at the same time and pulled away from each other; me leaving the room without a second glance to go find Jack and Matt trudging into the kitchen to see to Freddie.


I dropped onto my bed and lay back, rubbing my face and groaning. The really horrible thing is that he's completely right. I do wish. Half the time when we're shouting at each other I feel like slamming him up against the nearest wall and kissing him. I'm just not sure whether it's to shut him up or because he's so damned gorgeous. He looks way too much like Aaron...

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