Eleven - Tutoring him

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"Miss Eliza stay back. I need to talk to you." Ms. Lolita said when all other students started leaving.

Why is her name Lolita anyways?

"What kind of trouble did you cause Miss Eliza?" Luna whispered in my ears before walking out of the class. I shrugged and walked towards the teacher.

"Miss Eliza! You have aced your math exam again! As always."

"Thank you Ms. Lolita"

Math was the only thing I was good at after art. I like math. I don't understand why people hate it. Now don't call me a nerd! I suck at science and social sciences.

"I was wondering if you could" she paused for a few seconds while she removed her glasses and continued "if you could help Justin. He is only weak in math and he even stays next to your house!"

How does she know that? And why? I can't look at Justin everyday! I'd go crazy.

"But I don't really have time" I hoped she would give up .

"Please. He needs a bit of your help. Just a month would do. I'll see how he does in his mid terms. Okay?"

"Okay" I gave in.


It was afternoon and I was working on a scenery drawing. It was going into my portfolio so I had to make it look really good. There was a knock on the door and I knew who it was.

"Come in"

"El! My new tutor" Justin chuckled as he sat on the bed. Yes, it was my room. We decided to meet at my house because, I was just lazy to walk up till his house.

"Hey Justin. Take out your math book. Let's start" I said as I continued drawing.

"I love your wall! There's Beatles, Queen, one direction, oh is this BTS?"

"Yeah my mom put it up. She is trying to turn me into an army." I chuckled.

My mum was a hardcore BTS army. Sometimes she even celebrated the members Birthday. I had no complains, I got to eat homemade cake everytime!

"Aw man your mom's cute" he snickered.

"Yeah you can say that!"

"Also, what are you doing?" shivers ran down my spine as Justin bent down from behind to look what I was drawing. He was so close, his cheeks slightly brushed mine.

"I- I just.. a drawing. Scenery" I blurted. I didn't know how to hide my feelings. Seriously.

He moved to the side and leaned on the wall, resting his hand on the table next to my sketchbook "beautiful"


"The drawing is beautiful. I'm sure you will get into your dream college" he gave such a beautiful smile I couldn't stop looking at him.

What was I thinking? Why am I feeling this? He is just a friend. Who now has a beautiful girlfriend.


"How long?"

"Oh. I'm done. Let's start!"

He sat on the chair while I comfortably rested on my bean bag. He protested that we had to sit on the bed but I said he would sleep off if we sat there. He had to agree to that.

"Now what the hell is trigonometry?"

"There's a table in the text- wait. Where's your text?"

"Um... Well. We get it in school right? So-"

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