Chapter one

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Chapter one

Hello my names Hannah Brown. I'm 18 now and heading of to college this summer. Just got to make a few stops on my way to London. Today was my finial day in Indiana. I was about to get on a plane to Arizona with my best friend Grace and big brother Hayden. "bye mom I'm really gonna miss you!" I said. "bye sweetie I'm gonna miss you too! You be safe in Mexico and London! Call me when you land in Arizona and when you arrive in Mexico. Also call me every day. I love you." my mom said with tears in her eyes. "I will! I love you too mom." I said with tears slipping down my cheeks. I hugged her and then went and hugged my little brother Gustavo and said good bye and I love him. While Hayden and Grace said good bye to there family. Which Hayden said good bye to my family cause we are brother and sister. Then we boarded the plane as I turned around and saw my mom waving good bye with tears streaming down both of our eyes.

*************SKIPPING PLANE RIDE****************

"Hannah wake up! Hannah wake up!" someone yelled in my ear. I opened my eyes a little to see Grace starring at me. " Hannah were here get up." she said a little softer. "We've landed?" I asked Grace. "yes now get up so we can start driving." we got off the plane to see my aunt Linda and cousins all waiting for us with a sign saying " BROWNS!!!!" Hayden and I went running full speed ahead seeing as we haven't seen them since we were 12 and 13. "hey! You two have grown up so much! I missed you guys!" my aunt said while pulling us in a group hug. When we pulled away we all said our hellos and I introduced Grace. " Grace this is my aunt Linda. My cousins Joseph, Sammy, Johnny, and Mia. Hey where are the others auntie?" I asked. " there at some camp." she said but something was off I could tell even if I haven't seen her in years. But being as I didn't want to argue so I let it go. We got into the car and drove until we got to there house. It was rather quite until people jumped out yelling surprise. Then we all caught up, and Hayden, Grace, and I were off to Mexico.

**************SKIPPING CAR RIDE******************

We finally made it to Mexico and I missed my family so much. I didn't realize it until I saw my nana sitting there crying when she saw us. I ran to her hugging her like my life depended on it. Soon Hayden come over doing the same thing. We talked for a good hour before we decided on going to bed seeing as it was almost midnight. I slept in the master bedroom with my nana, like i always did when i visited her. Grace and Hayden slept in the guest bedroom. My nana had an even bigger master bedroom added to the house a few years after she bought it when I was like 6.


I was in a white dress with red spots on it and it looked like blood all over me. I started to freak out. But then I heard his deep husky voice calling my name. "Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, where are you?" I got up and followed the voice into a church. I looked everywhere but couldn't find him. Then I heard it again. " Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, please hurry." I started to run to the garden behind the church. I saw someone with beautiful locks of curls. He started to turn around so I could see his face.

******END OF DREAM******

But that's when I woke up like always. Never getting to see his face. I've been having these dreams since I got excepted to a UNI in London. I don't know why though? The only person that knows is Grace. I looked at the clock and it said 5:37 AM. I laid back down and went straight to sleep. This time not having that dream again.

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