Chapter 7

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Started school for about two weeks now and things are going great. We go to school Monday- Thursday from 9am-4pm. It's great that we have the same days and times so we can walk together. We have 8 classes and go to 4 every other day. We have the first and last class Mondays and Wednesday's together. And the last two classes together on Tuesday's and Thursday's. So we walk home together everyday. I love it here in London. Every Friday we go out to dinner together. Every Sunday we make that day for us to hang out. If we wake up early enough we go get breakfast at that cafe. Saturday's our for ourselves, so if we have other friends we want to hangout with we can. We also can hangout with each other but it's just so we have a day to make plans with other people. We try to eat dinner together so we can talk about our day and stuff.

Hayden and I have been doing our Friday Skype time. And we text each other through out the day. No there is still no guy for me. There have been cute guys but none of them seem like my type. They all seem like players. Grace is talking to this guy in our photography class. He seems nice and not even close to a player. They've gone on about 8 dates and going on one tomorrow. So I'll be home alone another Saturday. I haven't really made any friends I'd want to hangout with only class friends. Sometimes when Grace is gone I walk to the park that's about 10 to 15 minutes away. I hate seeing the couples out there cause it only reminds me I'll be forever alone. Hayden and kellie are still dating. They haven't fought in about a week or so now.

"Hannah dinners ready." Grace yelled "I'm coming" I yelled back. I ran down the hallway and into the dinning room and I saw it had three places set out. " ummm I know I'm bad at math but there's two of us and three plates?" I asked. "no umm actually Conner wanted to come over and meet you personally. Is that ok? He should be here in about 10 minutes." " oh no that's fine. Yeah it should be great to finally meet him. But I thought Fridays where our time to go out with each other?" " it is I just thought tonight we can stay in and save a little money to shop with." " yeah sounds good. Well let me go wash up then since we are having guests." " ok just hurry." " ok" with that I ran to the bathroom.

What the heck just happened? We were supposed to go out. Ugh I hate this Conner guy now! He ruined my planes on getting out of this apartment. He better bring me chocolates. I finished washing my hands and putting a shirt and pants instead of sport bra and sweat pants. Ugh he ruined my comfy clothes too! This kinda sucks! Oh well he makes Grace happy and that's all I can ask for, right? Buzzzzzzz. That noise came from our buzzer when people wanna come into our building for us. I ran to the front door. And buzzed them in. I don't really ask who it is, cause well that's to much work. Yeah I'm kinda lazy, but Grace is to so its all good. About five minutes later there was a knock on the door. I yelled from the couch " doors unlocked come on in." the door opened and Conner had a hand behind his back. "hello Hannah it's great to finally meet you officially." " yeah it is thanks for coming." " oh it's my pleasure thanks for wanting me to come over." " I didn't want you to come." I muttered under my breath thankfully he didn't hear. " so wheres Grace?" " in the kitchen" I said pointing to the door way. He walked to there and Grace yelled a hi. Ugh cuteness!

We all sat down at the dinning table and they talked while I tried to get out of talking by stuffing my face so I couldn't talk with a mouth full of food. I pulled my phone out to see it was 10:40. Yes time to leave! " oh look at the time. Wow time does fly by when your having fun." " oh gosh it's all ready 10:40" Grace practically yelled. " well you better get going Conner it was nice meeting you bye." i said pushing him out the door. "bye" he yelled before I shut the door. " that wasn't so bad now was it?" Grace said " nope it was great now I better get going to bed night" I said leaving before she could reply. I jumped into the shower and jumped out changing into a sport bra and sweat pants. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a messy bun. I jumped into bed and feel right to sleep.

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