Chapter 12

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**********CHAPTER 12********** SKIPPING TO FRIDAY

I just finish getting ready cause Grace begged me to get up so we could go out to eat breakfast. "ok Grace I'm ready." I yelled as I was slipping on my shoes. "yay I'm starving." she said running out the door. I locked up and followed. We were walking down the street to the cafe when a group of teenage girls around 12 to 14 stopped us " your Hannah right?" one of them asked. " Uhh yeah, how do you know my name?" I asked kind of freaked out that they knew me. " are you dating MY Harry Styles?" another one asked emphasizing the MY. Uh excuse me he's MINE!!! I thought but didn't say it. That would have been rude. I didn't answer because I didn't know when Harry wanted to go public. I just grabbed Grace's hand and pulled her alway from them walking to the cafe. "hey" one of them yelled at us. I started to walk a little faster. As soon as we got to the cafe we went straight to our seats. Grace went to order while I called Harry.

He answered right away. "hey how's my beautiful girlfriend doing?" he let out a happy sigh " oh how I love to call you that." he told me. I let out a small giggle. " speaking of girlfriend. When do you want to go public?" I asked remembering the group of girls. " Uhh shouldn't I be the one asking you?" he asked I giggled again cause he was right. " yeah you should." I said. " so what's this all about going public?" " oh I didn't tell you yet?" I asked thinking i already did. " tell me what? What's going on? Are you ok?" he asked a little worried. " Harry calm down I'm alright. It's just some girls stopped Grace and I on our way to the cafe asking if we were dating and I didn't answer I just pulled Grace and started walking pretty fast." he chuckled a little. " Hannah if that happens again you can say yes. That's already happened to me." " and what did you say?" " oh you know that I'm lucky to call you that and all." " aww so cute" Grace came back with bagels and hot chocolate. "here you go." she said placing it down on the table. " no thanks" I said back to her. She mouthed 'if you don't eat I'm telling Harry.' "Harry I have to go my breakfast is here. Say hi to the boys and everyone for me bye." " bye say hi to Grace for me." with that we hung up.

"So your going to eat?" She asked as soon as I put my phone down. "I guess" I replied. "Hannah please don't go back to you know..." She trailed off but I knew what she meant. "I'm trying not to. If I say I don't want to eat or I'm not going to just threaten me that you will tell Harry?" I asked "that's my plan!" She said happily eating.

"so was that Harry?" Grace asked. " haha yeah isn't he sweet?" I said a little dreamy. " uh sure what did he do now?" " oh nothing besides try and make me like him even more." " hah weirdo. So has Hayden skyped you today?" she asked changing the subject. " no I'm doing that tonight." " I thought you had a friendly date with stalker boy over there." she said pointing to the kid in the booth across the cafe which he was starring again! Ugh! This guy has been following me and trying to get me to go out with him. He even changed his meager and classes to be in all of mine. He followed me home one night. I kind of got really scared.


This was like his 40th time asking me out. " Hannah please go out with me." Kyle begged. " no I have a freaking boyfriend for the hundredth time." I snapped. " please just please." "fine only if you never ask me again and leave me alone." I said frustrated not even thinking. He jumped up and down " yes I might have a chance for her to be mine." I quickly realized what I said. " I mean only as friends though nothing more." " so we are on the friend level." he said winking. " I don't know bye." I said running out of the building to get to my apartment. he yelled from the door " pick you up Friday at 8" ugh! I thought.

****end of flashback******

"earth to Hannah!" Grace said snapping me out of my thoughts. " oh what?" I asked. " I said are you going on that date you promised to stalker boy?" she asked looking over at him stare at me. " oh uh I hope he doesn't remember cause I don't want to." I said. " I hope so to I don't want him trying anything on you plus if Harry finds out this won't end well." oh no Harry I thought. How I'm I going to tell him? " how am I going to tell him?" " so you are going to tell him?" she asked " I don't know should I? Is it a good idea?" " yes so he knows he can trust you and if something happens he will be right there to save you." " yeah your right I'll tell him when I go to see him at rehearsal for his lunch break." " that's a good idea." we finished eating and walked back to the flat.

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