Chapter 3

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I finally picked out an outfit to go to dinner. It's a sun dress that's blue with pink, red, yellow, and orange flowers all over it with a white cardigan and white flip flops. My hair was scrunched. I walked out of the room into the living room where Hayden and Grace were watching tv. I sat next to him and we stayed quite until someone opened the kitchen door. " Hey you three ready to go?" my dad asked we all said yeah. And we walked to his car in silence. My dad got into the driver seat, Hayden got into the passenger seat, Grace and I got into the back. We drove in silence until my dad broke it. " So how have my two little kids been?" before Hayden could answer I said " well if you would have visited or even called more then you would know and where adults now not little kids." With anger in my voice. He sighed and said " I know I'm sorry I wish I did, cause then i would know more about you guys." " it's fine dad. We are good. And Hannah is just a little cranky." Hayden said. We drove in silence.

When we got to the restaurant I noticed it used to be my favorite when I lived here. I cant believe he remembered. I think he noticed my face cause he said. " I remember this was your favorite so I thought I should bring you here." " thank you dad." I said. We hugged side ways as we walked in. We sat down and ordered our food. We all got bean burritos and tacos. Seeing as tacos are my favorite food. We made small talk until it got to our life's.

" so what are you guys up to now that your out of school?" my dad said. Before I could answer Hayden did so that I wouldn't go off again even though I wasn't going to. " I'm still at North Carolina and I still have my baseball scholarship. Hannah and Grace here are going to London at a UNI. Hannah got a scholarship for photography. And I think Grace is doing photography too?" he said that last part more as a question so Grace and I just nodded our heads. " that's cool maybe I can come visit you two in London sometime?" my dad asked " yeah that would be great!" I replied. Our food came and we eat in silence.

We left and my dad dropped us off. We went in side and went off to our rooms. I changed into my Hello Kitty pjs and pulled my hair into a messy bun. Then I just jumped on the bed and waited for Grace to finish. She got on the bed and we just laid there over the comforter looking at the ceiling. " i know you said you were mad at your dad, but this looked more than mad what happened?" she asked " well he never visited this is the first time I've seen him since the summer after sixth grade. And I was going to seventh grade now I'm going to college. Then he didn't even call that much. He called on our birthdays Christmas and a few other holidays but that's it. Yeah he did call sometimes but I barely heard from him." I said with anger raising in my voice. " oh I'm sorry." was all she said " me too" with that we went under the blankets and feel asleep listing to each others breathing. Well mainly hers cause you don't even hear my breathing it's so quite. I don't know if it's good or bad.

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