Chapter 8

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I woke up at 9 remembering Grace had to go on a date at 12 and won't be back until tomorrow morning cause he's taking her to meet his parents. Fun right? Whatever it's her day right? I got up and put on my running sport bra and my cheer shorts. I graved my iPhone and headphones. I put on my running shoes. And put my hair in a ponytail straightening it while its in a ponytail. Then went into the bathroom turning the water on and shaving my legs and armpit. By the time I was done getting ready it was 11. Grace was in the kitchen making coffee to go for her and Conner. I put my headphones in pretending I was listing to music. I grabbed a banana and ate it. I grabbed my keys and card and yelled good bye on my way out the door. I'm pretty sure I heard her say good bye but I'm not sure.

I turned my music on when I got into the elevator. I started running as soon as I got onto the sidewalk. I let my mind fall into the music playing Lego House by Ed Sheeran. I ran all the way to the park and when I stopped the song playing was What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. I sat on an empty swing and turned my music off. I started to swing a little when two guys wearing sunglasses and hoods came and sat on the swings next to me. Seeing as those were the only available ones. I was on the end next to me was one of those guys, next to him was the other guy, next to him we're little kids and parents all the way down. I tried to ignore them but there accents were to cute not to listen to.

" Paul doesn't know we snuck off to the park, right?" The one next to me asked. "no I don't think so." the other one said and they talked back and forth. " so do you think we can find the others and play a little round of hid n seek?" " that should be fun, let me call them. We can play in this whole park. We need teams." " but then one would be left by himself." " we could find someone who would want to play with us." " you find someone." and they went quite after that whispering on the phone.

" oh my gosh! Hannah your here again? You were just here thursday. Is your roommate on another one of those dates with that guy?" Elizabeth asked. She was one of those people that had two kids that loved meeting new people and playing with them. And they decided I was a fun person and every time she brought them to the park they would look for me to play. So I would watch and play with them so she could talk to other parents and hangout in a way. The girl Haley was 6 and the boy Harold was 8. " yes to all of those, and what about you kids. You ready for a round of hid n seek?" I asked. " YES" they screamed running to me. There mom left and I was stuck with them. Before they could run and hid three other guys in sunglasses and hoods come to us. Crap this isn't good. I'll take them to the other side of the park just in case.

I started to get up to tell the kids to go to the other side, when those guys came up to me. " hey we couldn't help but hear you three are playing his n seek. We were wondering if you'd like to play with us in groups?" they asked. I was about to say no when the kids started jumping up and down screaming " YES YES YES!" " ok well I guess sure" I said " great I'm Harry. This is Zayn, that's Niall, that's Louis, and that's Liam. And you are?" Harry said. "I'm Hannah. This is Haley and that's Harold." I said with the kids under my arms. Harry started chuckling then said " funny that's my name but I go by Harry or Hazza." " cool so what's the teams?" Harold asked. He's not one for manners, so I slapped his arm gently and gave him the look to say sorry. " sorry I ment that's great that we have the same name. And would you guys please tell us who's the teams so we could start the game? " he said sweet and innocent. I couldn't help but let a little laugh slip out. Harry chuckled again and said " yes umm let's see who would you two like to be partners with?" he asked them kneeling so he was face to face with them. " oh my gosh your One Direction arnt you?" Haley asked quietly. " shhh yes we are." Harry replied. I was about to freak out but played it cool. "ok I love you guys any ways we want to be together cause we're the best at this game." she said. He chuckled and said "alright then you two can be together. The teams are you two, Zayn and Louis, Liam and Niall, and Hannah and I. The person it is Louis and Zayn. Count to a hundred! Go!" he yelled the last part and pulled me by the wrist running to hid.

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