Chapter 11

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*********CHAPTER 11**********

I was just finished with packing and set everything by the door when the buzzing went off. I buzzed whoever it was in and sat down on the coach waiting for my date. I was wearing a white dress that was tight on my half of my upper body and then it fluffed out a little and when I spun it would fly up. It's a little sparkly. I have a black fabric belt that goes around by top and ties around in the back to make a bow. I have on black high heels.

There was a knock on the door. " come in" i yelled from the couch. No one came in so I yelled "the doors unlocked you can come in." still no one opened the door. Maybe they knocked on the wrong door and noticed after they knocked and left. Yeah that's it. There was another knock on the door. "come in" I yelled. No one came in. I kinda got scared. I got up and took my heels off putting them in my hands if I needed to hit someone. I walked quietly on my tip toes to the door. I looked through the peephole and didn't see anyone. There was another knock. I opened the door slowly just in case. But when I saw no one I opened it faster with a dumb look on my face. "that's odd i swear there was a knock on my door." "BOOOOO!" someone jumped out of no where. "AHHHHHHHH" I screamed turning around and ran into my apartment without shutting the door cause of how scared I was. I ran to my room and hid in my closet. I heard laughing and it sounded really familiar I loved that laugh even though this person was trying to kill me there laugh was amazing. I heard my bedroom door open and footsteps coming closer to the closet. Oh no. The door started to open and Harry appeared. I jumped into his arms.

"oh Harry your my hero there was someone here trying to kill me. I would've been trapped in here all night if it wasn't for you." I said into his neck. "babe that was me" he whispered in my ear. I pulled away from him " wow so is that how you take girls on dates? If it is I see why you never have the same girl twice cause they wouldn't want to." I told him and he gave me a pouty look. " would you come on more than one date with me?" he asked. "how many are we talking about?" "as many as we can before we die" "aww you wanna spend all that time with me?" " I wanna spend more than that time with you" " aww ok where are we going? Oh and if you pull a stunt like that again consider this as our first last date." " it's a surprise and I wont pull anything like that on you!" we hugged and walked out together. He carried my bag with everything in it. And he interlocked our hands. We walked a long way and my feet started to hurt. Ugh I should have worn flats not heels.

I think Harry noticed. " want me to carry you?" he asked. "no it's fine but how much longer is this walk? I asked. "not much longer we will be there in about 7 minutes." we walked in silence holding hands until he let go and stood in front of me with his hands on my shoulder. "do you trust me?" he asked. "Uhh yeah?" I said kind of like a question. "then put this blind fold on." "umm no way I am not putting any blind fold on." "you said you trust me so please put it on." "I didn't know you ment by blinding me." "if you trust me you'll put it on. Please Hannah." "fine" I said ripping it out of his hands. I put it over my eyes so I couldn't see and turned around so he could tie it. After it was tied he started taking me. We walked really slow. "if you drop me or if I get hurt we are never ever talking again do you understand me?" I said sternly. "I would never drop you or let you get hurt. Don't you trust me?" he asked the last sentence. "yes I trust you but I don't like people doing this I hate surprises." "good then I'll be doing this more often." "no you won't I will get really mad." " ok be careful. Take a step up and then down." " why do I feel like I'm on something soft like I'm gonna fall through?" we walked a little longer before he talked again "ok I'm gonna take your blind fold off now." when he took it off I saw the ocean. it was beautiful. "turn around" Harry whispered in my ear. I turned around and saw a white tent with sparkly lights everywhere and a table for two with candles. We started walking over. Until I noticed something on the side so I walked over there. "what's that over there Harry?" I asked still walking. "go look." he answered. I walked all the way to it but it was to dark to read it. It looked like a heart I think? "Harry its to dar....." I got cut off by a bright shinny light going over it. It said will you be my girlfriend? Inside of a heart. Aww who ever wrote this is cute. "aww Harry this is so cute. Who ever wrote this for there girlfriend is so sweet." I said and turned around to see all the boys except Harry with microphones. Music started and they started to sing One Thing. When Harry's part come on he popped out of no where and started walking closer to me. He held my hand the rest of the song. When it finished he pulled me over to the heart again I don't know why. "so will you?" he asked will I what I thought? I looked at the heart again and it clicked he wrote this. "YESSSSS!" I yelled hugging him! We pulled apart and both of us had the biggest smile you could ever imagine. "thank you" I whispered. "you don't need to thank me. I should be the one thanking you." he whispered back. I leaned in to kiss him and he leaned the rest of the way crashing his lips on mine. We kissed for a while until we needed breath. He put his forehead on mine and we stared into each others eyes. "you want to eat?" he asked. "yeah let's go." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the table he set up. We ate in silence staring at each others eyes with our hands intertwined with each other across the table and him stealing light kisses when ever he could.

We got done eating and Harry broke the wonderful silence we had during dinner. "go change into your bathing suit in the bathrooms over there." he said walking away to the boys bathroom the other way. I walked in and no one was in there since Harry rented out the whole beach. I didn't even know you could do that but I guess you can. I changed into the bathing suit I brought and put my hair in a bun. I walked out and started walking back where we ate. Only to see Harry walking towards the water so I started walking that way. He sat down in the sand looking at the ocean. I don't know why but I thought about what he did to me at my apartment. And an idea popped into my mind! Pay back time! I walked back to the bathroom quietly so he wouldn't turn around and see me. When I got to the door I opened it and got ready to run. "AHHHHHHHH" I yelled and then darted behind the bathroom outside to hid. I peeked over and saw him running. "HANNAH, HANNAH, WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU OK?" he asked running to the bathroom as fast as he could. He ran inside looking for me. "Hannah where are you?" I ran over to the door and shut it. he started banging on it and then realized it was open. As soon as he pushed it open I ran to the ocean. I looked back to see him coming after me with a smirk. I couldn't help but laugh and run faster. I made it right in front of the water. The part where it's right by the mushy sand that gets wet by waves. I was right in front of that part. I stopped trying to get my breath back. He came and put his arms around me. And whispered in my eat. " you know how scared I was?" " no why don't you tell me?" I asked smirking. " I thought I was going to lose you and I don't want that to happen Hannah." " Awwwe that's so sweet of you but it was only pay back." " well next time you do pay back don't scare me like that I honestly thought someone was taking you from me." " fine but only if you never ever scare me." "deal!" I was about to say something but he swooped me up bridal style and ran to the water. "HARRY IF YOU THROW MEEEEEE......." it was to late I was in mid air and splash! I swam up to the surface as fast as I could. When I got up I breathed really loud. I looked up and saw Harry clutching his stomach laughing. " you think this is funny don't you?" I asked getting out and going closer to him. " very." he said with a big smile. I walked closer to him and had an idea. I started smirking and his smile fell. "what are you doing?" he asked with a hint of fright in his voice. " oh you know the usual." I said smirking flirtatiously as I walked right in front of him. He backed away a little. Which made me come up closer. I was right in front of him now. He was breathing a little heavily. "hello there" I said in a whisper. " yes?" he asked his breathing uneven. I started to put my arms around him and he screamed " oh no you don't." I hurried and put my arms around him squeezing him. He put his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear. " you think I didn't want you doing this?" I had a confused look on my face. "what do you mean you screamed for me not to?" I asked confused. " yeah so you would hurry and hug me already" he said smirking. "wow you meany." I said walking back to the water and letting my feet get wet. He came up behind me and snaked his arms around my waist were they laid comfortably on my Fat stomach. He put his head on my shoulder. "so how's my beautiful girlfriend doing?" he asked in my ear. " I don't know why don't you go ask her!" I snapped still kind of mad that he tricked me again. He noticed and spun me around so I was facing him. Our faces inches apart. I could feel his warm breath on my face. "what's wrong babe?" he asked with concern all over his face. I let our a sigh knowing I couldn't stay mad at him. " you keep tricking me in to doing things you want me to do but making me think you don't want me to so then I can't get you back." I said looking down. He lifted up my chin " so what was the hole thing about go ask your girlfriend?" "I don't know I was just upset." "don't be your to beautiful to be so mad." "to beautiful to be mad at you or all together?" " both" he said crashing his lips to mine. As soon as they touched I forgot about how angry I was and I got more relaxed. I loved how our lips moved in sync together. I felt fireworks, bomb, everything you could imagine in a kiss. It was perfect. We pulled away for breath staring into each others eyes. " how about we go home?" he asked " yeah that sounds good I'm a little tired, but not that much." as if on cue I yawned. " yeah I little huh?" he said smirking. We walked to the car hand in hand swinging them. He opened the door for me and I got in. He shut it and got in the other side. He started the car and drove off. After a little while I leaned my head on the window still holding his hand and I felt my eyes drooping. I feel a sleep to the sound of the car driving.

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