Chapter 19

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*Marlee's point of view*

As we where having girls night and watching movies and stuffing our faces like old times I kept thinking about dinner. Hannah and Harry keep looking at each other like that's all they needed is for the other one to love them. They keep stealing glances and starring I into the other ones eyes when they were caught looking. It's sad to see true love like that being waisted on hating each other. Or Hannah trying to hate him. I hope they see that true love one happens once in a life time and they need to be together. At the thought of all this I started to think about this guy from back home, Skyler. He's m age well a few months older, but that doesn't change my feelings for him. I've liked him for a very very long time. I think I've been dreaming about him asking me out since I was 10 if not before that. He finally did. Yeah I know I should be happy but I feel like he only asked me to ask me. Like he doesn't even want to go. I hope not. I heard that he really likes me but I doubt it. His sister told me before I left at he couldn't stop talking about me and he was going crazy trying to make this the best date possible. I started to fall asleep with a huge smile on my face.

*Grace's point of view*

After Hannah and Marlee fell asleep I turned off the tv so we could talk. "How has Hannah been?" Lacy asked. "She try's to play it off that she's ok, but I know her to well she is broken." I said. "Yeah you could tell, when we were eating dinner she kept looking at him and then looking down like she wanted to cry." "Yeah and so did he. I mean I want to talk to him and find out what really happened that night, but Hannah made me promise I wouldn't." "Really? I didn't promise anything. Oh my gosh I should ask him!" "You should! We wouldn't be betraying her in anyway, right?" "Yeah we should be good." "So what do you thin happened?" "I think he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing but it still isn't an excuse. What about you?" "No Hannah said he wast drunk. But I think he was just hanging out and he thought it was Hannah so they kissed and then he noticed it wasn't her so he pulled away and she saw." "I don't know, it could be multiple things. Plus Hannah said she was blond." "Yeah but the room was really dark. I was there." "Really? Did you know he was there too?" "No it was a girl and guys day." "Oh. Well I'm going to get to bed. Hannah likes her breakfast when she wakes up." "Haha yeah me too, night." I turned off the lights as we laid down. As I was drifting off to sleep I thought of Niall once again.

*Lacy's point of view*

After Grace and I had our little talk I felt a little better getting that stuff out. Grace turned off the lights as we started to lay down and get comfortable. Once my head hit the pillow all I could think about is this really cute guy back in Indiana that I wish would notice me. I wonder how I'll get him too? I probably won't since no one likes me. His name is Adam, he's really cute and a year older than me. He goes to my church and school. He moved a few weeks before Hannah left and they became friends instantly but it took us until a few weeks ago to start talking. Hannah always gets the guys to faun over her and be friends with in two seconds of meeting. I wonder how she does it? I would honestly love that. Maybe I can ask her for some help. I mean she knows Alex and I'm sure they still keep in contact and she knows me. But I still had a frown on my face at the thought of them keeping contact. Hopefully he likes me and not her. That was my last thought as I drifted into the land of dreams.

*Louis' point of view*

Harry hasn't been himself since that night at the club and worse when he told everyone him and Hannah split up. The fans have been really supporting him, and trying their best to cheer the lad up. The sad thing is Hannah is just as bad, but she doesn't have the fans to help her but all they do is hurt her even more. That's why Hannah hasn't been on twitter or Facebook. She just pushed it all away. I never see her leave her flat unless she has to. She always afraid of running into a fan and them yelling or doing worse to her. It's so obvious that they need each other to be happy, but it's oblivion to them. I need to come up with something so Hannah knows Harry didn't really cheat on her. And I need Harry to grow a pair to finally tell her instead of always letting her get her way and him shutting up. But she is the only one to get him to shut up so maybe we shouldn't. He should just plan something like a ball and invite her and then sing to her. Or a carnival and ride the Ferris Wheel with her and then tell her everything cause she would have to listen, right? As I was falling asleep my last thoughts where of Elenore.

*Niall's point of view*

Ugh Harry is so in love it's so annoying. Yeah I'm happy for him, but really it's night and he wouldn't shut up about her. Tonight was the first time he's seen her in like a week or so and he is going off and off about how she looks. He really needs to get her back before its to late. The other day I went to the store and Hannah was there too. I went to go talk to her until I saw this guy come up to her and our his arm over her shoulders and ask if she was ready to go. She smiled big at him but it was her fake smile. I think she's trying to move on but won't be happy without Harry. They are honestly made for each there no matter the 4 year age difference. Love is love and as Harry would say it age is just another number. I started to get tired with all this thinking and laid down. As soon as my head hit the pillow my eyes started to shut. But before I could fully fall into a nice sleep, she was on my mind again, Hannah's best friend Grace.

*Zayn's point of view*

I want to punch Harry in the face so bad right now, but he's one of my best mates. I don't have the heart to do that. I could tell during dinner just by looking into their eyes they wanted to jump across the table and start sucking each others faces off but contained them selfs. Thank goodness thy did, I would not be able to eat ever again at that table. But as soon as we left Harry was on a rampage about her. Her hair, her smell, he clothes, her socks, her eyes, her teeth, her cooking, anything he could find to talk about her. He said she doesn't look as happy as she used to and how it's all his fault. If he was my best mate I would have punched him multiple times in the face to shut him up. As I was laying down I couldn't help but think Harry is as love struck as I am. Him with Hannah and me with Perrie. I really miss her. I haven't seen her in weeks. She's so beautiful was the last thought I thought of as I fell asleep.

*Liam's point of view*

Harry just left my room to finally get some sleep, which his is thinking more about Hannah. He sat on the end of my bed talking to me well more like telling me about Hannah for 30 minutes. He could honestly talk about her for hours or even days straight. He is head over hills in love with her. But see Hannah is too. She's just trying to forget about them being in love, she is trying to move on. I wanted to tell Harry that but I didn't have the heart too. When he talked about her his face brightened up his eyes glowed, it was only something true love could do. And just at her name in a conversation made him jump back into reality. He is a sick puppy in love. I wish Daniele could help him, but she can't be here. I haven't seen my baby in weeks. It feels like years. I love her so much, was my last thought.

*Harry's point of view*

After I left Liam's room I felt a little better. I wasn't leaving my thoughts about Hannah in my head. I miss her so much. I wish she would let me tell her what happened that night, but I think the thought of that night just hurts her. I can't bring myself to hurt her more than I have without it being my fault. She is sitting or sleeping at home thinking I'm the reason she's in so much pain, when I did nothing to cause it. I wish she knew how In love I am with her. How she makes me feel. I just want my baby back. I need her to live. She's my everything. I need to come up with a plan on getting her back. These two weeks have been the longest two weeks of my life, and I hate it. Tonight I just wanted to kiss her as soon as I laid eyes on her. She took my breath away when I saw her smile and talk for the first time around me in two weeks. The boys give me updates about her whenever they see her. And one time Louis recorded her voice as they talked so I could listen to her. And I do every night. Yeah I can see how you might think I'm a creep or stalker, but I'm not its just what love does to you. That brought Hannah to mind when I said love. I wish I could tell her how much I love her, maybe I should write it in a song and then it will be everywhere when we sing it and she's bound to hear it. Oh and the last part should say this is dedicated to the love of my life Hannah Brown. Yep I'm going to do it, but first I need I make sure the boys are ok with the idea. As I was drifting to sleep she was still on my mind.

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