Chapter 17

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Grace and I where sitting on the couch watching one of our favorite movies, Harry Potter! While we ate popcorn and m&ms. I started tearing up when Harry was talking to his son and sending him off on the train. Grace looked over at me, "your crying too?" She shocked out. "Yeah, this is so emotional." I cried out. "Oh my gosh I know! I'm going to go get the tissues." She cried running to the bathroom. "Bring I a-a-a lot" I yelled out. She came back in with the box of tissues "here you go." She said handing me the tissue box. "Thanks." I say taking them. We finally finished up our sobbing and controlled it.

"Do you want some hot chocolate?" I asked Grace. "Yes please." She replied. "Ok can you make us some then." I smiled sweetly. "I knew something was off when you asked if I wanted any." She laughed. "So can you?" I asked. "Yeah I guess." She said getting up. "Thanks." I called as I watched her walk into the kitchen.

10 minutes later she walked back in with 2 mugs. She handed me the one in her left hand. "Thanks." I mumbled taking a sip. We sat in silence for a while. "So do you want to talk about you know..." She trailed off. "What is there to talk about?" I asked. "How do you feel? Or maybe what's going on." "I don't feel anything anymore he broke my heart, and I don't know what's going on all I know is that it's over between us and nothing can change it. He cheated on me for crying out loud." "How is he going to tell the world?" "How I'm a supposed to know?" "Haven't you talked to him?" "No I can't." "Can't or won't?" "Both" "Hannah.... Never mind lets just turn some gossip show on, it will get your mind off of things." She turned the tv on and flipped to one of our favorite UK gossip channel. And guess who she was interviewing? That's right, the one and only One Direction. She went to switch it but I stopped her when this question caught my attention.

"So who is single and who is in a relationship?" Carly the host asked. Niall was the only one to raise his hand. Which was weird since Harry and I broke up. Did he move on that fast? How long has he been seeing that blond bimbo?

"I thought you and Harry broke up?" Grace asked "we did. At least I thought I made it clear." I said shocked.

"Really 4/5 of One Direction is already taken? Who is your girlfriends?" Carly asked. "I'm dating Elenore!" Louis said happily. "I'm dating Daniel!" Liam said with just the exact same happiness. "I'm dating Perrie!" Zayn said just the same. "I'm dating Hannah!" Harry said with same excitement but still showed sadness. All the boys looked at him like something was wrong.

I called Harry not even thinking that he wouldn't have his phone cause he was on tv. I was about to hang up cause I figured he wouldn't answer but I saw him pull his phone out on tv. His face lite up. "Sorry I have to take this." Harry said answering my call on live tv.

"Hannah?" He asked. "Uhh hi Harry, umm I, well Grace and I where watching your interview and you said we were dating, I Uhh I thought I made it clear that we were over. I'm sorry." I stuttered. "Hannah please just let me explain it." He started but I hung up.

He looked at the phone about to cry. Louis ran up to him hugging him followed by the rest of the boys once they noticed him crying. Carly looked like she didn't know what to do. "What's wrong Harry?" She asked. "I...I...I...well the world should know.... That.... Hannah and I... Uhh.... We... We... We broke up..." He sobbed out into Louis' chest. I felt terrible but he broke my heart. "Awe I'm so sorry Harry, what happened?" She asked. He was about to answer but I switched it I couldn't bare to hear him say it on live television, it would only make it seem more real.

After that Grace put on my favorite movie, The Notebook. She ordered Chinese and made more hot chocolate. Once the Chinese was here we laid down on the couch cuddling in a friendly way, eating our food. Last thing I saw was Noah coming back from the war. That's when darkness took over.

*sorry it's not the best*

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