Chapter 14

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Harry Styles view

I miss Hannah. After we had to leave her flat I started texting her right away. Once we were in the elevator Louis pronounced it guys day now. I was quiet happy since we haven't had this in a while. We were just getting to Mine and Louis' flat when the boys noticed I haven't looked up once from my phone. So they took it from me and said no texting girlfriends day. I was sad I missed her. I haven't texted her in hours. She hasn't replied to one of my texts. I get my phone back for 20 minutes an hour.

Louis brought me out of my thoughts "Lets go clubbing!" He said more than asked. The boys all nodded. I guess it could be fun. "Sure lets go. I just need to get ready." I said getting up and going to my room. I put on my jeans with my white v-neck shirt with my signature navy blue blazer. I walked out to see the boys all ready to go. "Ready?" I asked standing in front of all of them. "Lets go!" They all shouted running out the door. I locked up and joined them in the car. We drove to the club and went inside with only a few fans stopping us.

We went in and got a drink from the bar. I had 3 shots, but it didn't affect me at all. The boys were doing their thing. Zayn and Niall where dancing with some girls they just met. Louis want drinking as much shots as he could so be could get drunk faster. Liam and I where sitting at our table with a beer in my hand and a coke in his. "I'm gonna go to the lou." I told Liam getting up. He just nodded his head.

As I was on my way to the lou this girl got in my way. I don't like to judge or disrespect women but she looked slutty with her tight laced dress that you can almost see her butt and her boobs hanging out. "You look like you could use some fun." She flirted with me. "No thanks I have a girlfriend." I said trying to get around her. But she stopped me. "No not anymore unless its me." She winked. "No it's not, now get out of my way." I said angrily. "Don't need to get mad, wait for the bedroom then we can get feisty." She said putting her hand on my chest. I pulled her hand off "I have a girlfriend and your not getting anything from..." I got cut off with her throwing herself at me and putting her nasty lips on mine kissing me. I tried pushing her off but she wouldn't budge. I couldn't hurt her, she's a girl. She finally pulled away after a few minutes that felt like for ever. She smiled smugly at me and I just wanted to slap that smile off of her face. "Now how bout we go back.." She got cut off by crying. I turned my head towards the noise, and there she was, the most beautiful girl in the world crying. "Hannah wait!" I called after her as she turned around walking fast the other way.

Hannah's view

I didn't want to but I did I started crying right there. I knew we haven't been dating for a while, but I thought it still counted. I knew he would never like or even love me, I'm so stupid. I didn't notice but they broke away and now where starring at me. I let out one more sob before turning around hearing Harry call out after me "Hannah wait!" I started to walk faster back to Grace.

"Hey! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Grace asked. "I'm not crying I splashed water in my face that's all." I lied hoping she wouldn't catch me. "Oh let's dance!" She said grabbing my hands. "Actually I want to drink again!" I yelled over the music. "Yay lets go to the bar then!" Grace yelled happily. We got to the bar and the bartender saw us again. "Well if it isn't the most beautiful girl in here." He smiled at me. Hmm Harry cheated on me so why can't I flirt a little. I thought. "5 shots each please." I spoke before grace could. "Alrighty." He smiled putting the glasses on the counter. "Wow isn't that moving a little fast Hannah?" Grace asked. "Nope I don't think so at all. I just want to get drunk quick." I said taking the glass and chugging it. Grace did the same. I finished my 5 before Grace so I took one of hers. "Hey that was my last one." She whined. "We can get more I'm not that drunk." I slurred a little. To be honest I was quiet drunk I think. "Can I get 10?" I asked Josh I think his name tag said. "Only if I can get a kiss form you." He winked. I wanted the drink so bad so I leaned over and kissed his cheek. I don't think that's what he had in mind but I still felt bad. Harry and I haven't broken up officially yet and I'm not one to cheat. His smile went away but soon came back. "Fine but only cause your to cute." He said giving me my drink. "I want 5 please" Grace slurred. He gave them to her. As I drank them he keep adding more to my shot glass. After my 9th one I was about to drink my 10th but someone put a hand on my shoulder. By now I lost it I was completely drunk. I had no clue what was going on.

When I turned around there was a cute curly haired boy. "Well aren't you cute." I slurred trying my best to flirt with this familiar looking hottie. "Your drunk Hannah we need to get you out of here so you can sober up." He said. I hurried and took my last drink I looked up into his crying eyes? "Why are you crying?" I asked to get him to forget about taking me away from this heaven. "Cause I hurt the girl I love on accident." He said trying to pull me up. "I'm sorry." I said looking down. "Don't be, but we have to get you out of here." He said. I got up and ran towards the dance floor. I started dancing with some random guys. They didn't look as nearly cute as the curly haired one. But who cares. I saw him coming towards me. I took the guys beer that I was dancing with and chugged it. After that I don't remember anything. It was all a blur.

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