Chapter 2: Coming Together

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(Y/N)'s POV

The next few months after we left our home were somewhat eventful. It took us a few days to reach Argus and we spent a few days enjoying the sun. We eventually came across the issue on the lack of funds. We decided to put the Southern Cross to some use to help with getting the resources for our supplies. If anyone needed transportation for themselves or valuable cargo, we took on the job under the table in most cases. People would pay us whatever lien was agreed upon or sometimes people would barter. It was a good gig for us as we traveled. We had food and water, and we always had dust to keep us armed and on the move.

After about a week in Argus, we hopped across the water to Mantle after taking on a simple passenger travel job for a few families that missed their bullhead. Not long after we got to Mantle, we ran into a man known as Pietro Polendina. The man was being held up at gun point by some common street thugs looking to make off with whatever they could get from him when we turned around the same street corner they were standing at. Price and I made quick work of them and got him back to his home and lab safely. We spent some time talking to him for a bit and it turns out he's one of Atlas' finest engineers. We even got the weapons systems on the Southern Cross finished as a token of his gratitude. It took about a two months to do but the end result was better than even I originally hoped. I thought nobody could top Sam Wilson until I saw what Pietro could do. We rebuilt the first boxcar into a turret/combat car with three sets of turrets that can take on even larger enemies if the situation were ever needed. Hell, we even got a missile launcher installed on the other half of our ammo car for added measure.

Our time in Mantle and Atlas ended when we took a job delivering some military grade parts and weaponry to Argus. For the next six months after that, we spent most of our time running around between Anima and Solitas. Friendly innkeepers and town officials from villages and towns that we helped out along the way would help us navigate from town to town.

Price unlocked my aura not long after we left Mantle. After our encounter with those thugs, he said it would be wise to have my aura unlocked in case shit ever went south in the worst way. I ended up unlocking my semblance when Price and I took on a simple grimm extermination job for the village of Shion about a few weeks later. Price and I ended up having to face off against the alpha beowolf. The damn thing tried to pull a fast one on me by charging without warning after a rather odd staredown that lasted for a few minutes. Next thing I knew I jumped out of the way and was floating in mid air. I managed to kill it by "flying" above it, quickly switch my guns into katana mode, and drive the blades into the grimm, killing it in the process. From what I have gathered so far in some of our encounters with grimm over time, I can influence the gravity field around me. Price unlocked his semblance when he was training with his Dad about two years ago. His teleportation abilities have actually saved our asses quite a few times already, especially if we need to make a quick getaway. He can teleport himself as well as people he can come into contact. Most recently, he's been experimenting with taking objects along with him when he uses his semblance. We eventually learned that the more people or larger the object he takes with him, the more strain that is put on him.

Although it was nice to be welcomed into almost anywhere in Anima and parts of Solitas, our search for answers wasn't getting anywhere. It didn't matter how many grimm Price and I killed or how much research we did when and where we could; we were not getting any leads. We decided that we would eventually have to go west towards Vale and Vaccuo.

In a village in eastern Anima...... 1 week ago......

(Y/N): "How are we looking on steam Price?"

Price: "We're sitting on 180 pounds and our fuel supplies are topped off. We're ready to roll when you are."

Village Mayor: "Are you guys sure you don't want to stick around a bit longer? You two have done a lot of good for this town. Those gun turrets of yours frightened away those bandits so fast you would think the largest horde of grimm imaginable was coming after them the day you first arrived."

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