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°It's tragic the way life is, how ruthless it can be, the way it plays with our heartstrings°


🎶If I show you all my demons and we dive into the deep

Would we crash and burm like everytime before

I would tell you all my secrets, wrap your hands around my weakness

If the only other option is letting go, I'll stay vulnerable 🎶

Chapter Five

+Fiona's Point of View+

It's been weeks since my sister's visit, ever since Caden opened up a little to me. Our little interaction justified all my theories of Caden being unbelievably damaged, something is broken in him, something more than his elder sister's death. Caden and I have gotten close, though not as close as we were before, but it's a step, one step at a time.

"Are you even listening to me?" Caroline snapped, diverting my attention back to her.

Caroline's and I relationship has also improved overtime, we've come to the realization, actually, I have come to the realization that I can trust her, since Cara and the girls are not here, I should have someone who will be there for me. I filled her in on Caden, not all but bits.

I looked at her, feeling guilty "No, I wasn't."

I expected her to snap at me but she just looked at me for a while before seating beside me on the floor, don't ask why I'm seated on the floor, because I don't know.

"What's wrong?" She questioned, staring at me.

"Nothing. I was just thinking of Caden" I said truthfully. I've been telling the truth about myself lately. As a psychologist, I have to be true to myself if I want the gesture to be reciprocated by my patients.

"I knew it!. You have to take your mind off that motherfucker, that's another reason we need to go" She exclaimed.

Letting someone else know about Caden didn't do him any good, it just added to his list of haters, Caroline loathes him now.

"I wasn't against us going."

Today's Friday and we are free, we both have zero classes today, so instead of staying home watching Arrow reruns, we decided to go Job searching. It's not like I need money desperately but I'll be saving it up. My family and I aren't really on good terms, all they focus on is my elder sister, Perfect. Just like her name, she's the perfect daughter to them, and I, not so much.

"I was just confirming" She huffed "I need to get a Car, you need to get one too. I can't believe we'll be taking Public Transport"

"Oh, about that, my car is on the way, it will be our car so no need to get another. Just stuff the house with groceries" I said referring to the Car that Sinister is sending from Italy "And don't worry, I got us covered today" I smiled, right on time, the door burst open revealing one and only Malakai. Kai and I had settled our differences, he actually apologized for a whole week, with food, might I add, anyway, we are okay now.

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