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°There is no Friend like Old Friend°


🎶 Here's to ones that we got,

Cheers to the wish you were here but you're not

Cause the drinks bring back memories of everything we've been through

Toast to the ones here today, toast to the ones that we lost on the way. .🎶

Chapter Seventeen

+Fiona's Point of View+

Dreams. Sometimes you have dreams and you realize they are not dreams but memories, memories supresed by the body, probably to help you forget the traumatic experience.


I stop screaming for a moment as I heard it, only one person calls her that, Xavier, He's here, Does this means help is coming.

Luke keep on kicking Danielle, I watch helplessly as my boyfriend continuously hurt my sister. I hear a crack and I realize it's Danielle's rib, Fuck, the tears keep on coming, flowing out.

This is all my fucking fault, I trusted Luke, I loved Luke.

"DaNi!" Xavier screams, he's getting closer and Luke's gun is pointed to the door.

The Son of a bitch is going to kill Xavier and here I lie, helpless, tied, weak. I hear Violet loud sobs, and I realize, I'm not weak, we are weak.

It all happens so fast, one minute I am wallowing in self pity and self hatred, the next Danielle is on the ground, bleeding from the chest.

"DaNIellE!!!" I scream with everything in me. No. No. This can't happen, Danielle can't die, She can't, No.

"Danielle. Danielle. Danielle" I keep on saying, She can't die, She's fine, She has to be, She can't pay for my foolishness and Addiction

"Smallville Police Department, your hands up, you have the right t. . ."

I hear the police voice but I tune it out, Help has come, but it's too late. Numb, I watch as they handcuff Luke, taking him outside, I watch as the Doctor -- or nurse or whatever they are -- put Danielle on a stretcher, Xavier keeps on screaming in agony, clinching his girlfriend's hand.

"She will be alright, I need you to let go. You need to let go, Let her go" The Doctor tells him, but he doesn't, he doesn't let go, Who will?.

My head is throbbing.

". . iss? Miss? Can you hear me?" I hear someone say.

My vision is getting clouded.


"Yes" I whisper, my throat dry.

"I'm going to cut the rope now" The person say.

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