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°She's full of wounds, riddled with scars, but she's still standing and she's
still beautiful°


🎶I may cry ruining my makeup

Wash away all the things you've taken

And I don't care if I don't look pretty

Big girls cry when their heart is breaking 🎶

Chapter Nine

+Fiona's Point of View+

A lot has changed in the past weeks, one is my obsession for makeup, my makeup kit is dusty and desperately crying for attention. I just don't want to use them again, I feel like it's part of Smallville shits that need to be forgotten, alongside other occurrences, but sadly some occurrence might be forgotten, but not really forgotten, because they live on through the scars that they left on me.

I stare at myself in my the mirror. Currently, I'm home alone, I called in sick. I didn't go to work because today is the day, that awful day that my boyfriend tried to kill my sisters and I, we all have scars to remember this day, to remember Luke Chamberlain.

I'm only in my underwear, because I'm home alone, Caroline went to Class, after which she'll go to work. I moved closer to the mirror as I traced my scars, scars that decorated my body, maimed my soul. There are certain cloths I can't wear. I tracked each scar, from the cigarette burn on my shoulder, to the iron burn on my stomach, to the belt mark I can feel on my spine and on my wrist; handcuffs marks that are slowly fading, the giant mark on my chest, in between my breasts, I can't even remember what he did. All over my body, there is a s --

"Fiona, I'm ho - "

Shit. I turned around to behold Caroline, whose jaw was on the ground.

She blinked numerous times before saying "I -- Is -- th - a -- t a bite mark?" She asked gesturing to the bite mark on my hip, Luke was a fucking masochist


She dropped the groceries on the bed "Fiona, w -- who did this t -- to y -- you. Oh My God!" She screamed

I shrugged as I put on my robe "Nevermind"

"What!" She screamed closing the distance between us "Are you Crazy! Talk to me Fiona. Was it Cade?, Was it your parent?" She asked wiping tears off her face

"Caden?, He would never do this to me" I defended angrily "and it wasn't my parents, it was my Ex Boyfriend, Luke Chamberlain"

She looked at me, her face filled with pity which immediately changed to anger when she heard his name "Who the fuck is L -- " but was cut off by a much expected call.

Her gaze shifted to my phone, she looked back to me as she said "I'll give you time and space with your sisters, but I'll be back, and be prepared for some questions" and with that she took her credit card, walked to the door, but looked back "I'll take up Landon's offer again, I got nice compliments on it the last time" with that she walked out

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