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°The way you speak of yourself, the way you degrade yourself into smallness is Abuse°


🎶 Right now I'm shameless

Screaming my lungs out for you

Not afraid to face it

I need you more than I want to

Need you more than I want🎶

Chapter Ten

+Fiona's Point of View+

"Did Gwendolyn come back for mor --- Oh. . .Who is this?" Caroline said as she walked into the room with broom

I and uh. . .Va -- Vaniglia were standing, her beauty stuns me, I don't know what to say or do, it's just so awkward, I've been bitting my nails for the past 2 minutes, I feel awk ---

"Fiona!" Caroline snapped me out of my thoughts "Who is this?" She asked in a who the fuck is this tone

"Uh, this is Vaniglia Stone" I said smiling timidly, pulling my clothes down, hoping my ugly scars won't show

"And?" Caroline said

"She's here to --" but I stopped when I realized I don't know why she's here.

Vaniglia probably noticed the confusion on my face "Hi, you must be Caroline Salvatore, Fiona King's roommate. I'm Vaniglia Stone, but call me Lia. I was directed here from SPEAK, act---" She paused, staring at Caroline in amusement "Can you stop looking at me like that, I know I'm beautiful, but at least be subtle about your s -- "

"I don't like you" Caroline cut her off sharply

"Huh?" I said confused

"What?" Lia said probably sharing the same emotion as I

"I. Don't. Like. You. You seem shady, there's something off about you" Caroline said, She turned to me saying "Fiona, You trust me right?"

"Yes, I do" I answered in a heartbeat

"Good" with that she walked out of the room

I turned to Lia swiftly "I'm so sorry Lia, I'm so sorry for her behavior. She didn't mean all she said" I apologized

"It's okay, I get behaviors like this from some people sometimes. My beauty stuns certain people, makes them b -- "

"That's it!" Caroline stomped into the room shouting "Get Out!" She shouted

I was actually getting pissed "What?"

"Get the fuck out of here Bitch!" She screamed, paying me no attention

"Me?" Lia shrieked

"Get Out!" She kept screaming

I stare at her, this is so unlike her, something's wrong "What's wrong?" I asked softly

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