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°Her feelings she hide, her dreams she can't find. She's losing her mind, she's falling behind. She can't find her place, she's falling from Grace. She's all over the place - Kvng Faith°


🎶Boy and I overdose

Oh I want off on this roller coaster

You take me high just to bring me down

Oh and you bring me down🎶

Chapter Seven

+Fiona's Point of View+

"Do you think he is okay" I asked for the fourth time, feeling tired.

"For God's sake Kings! He's fine, he has to be" Lizzie snapped at me.

"Eliza, don't shout at her, she's just concerned, we all are. He's being in there for over 2 hours now" Kai said pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Maybe we sh --" Caroline's sentence was cut short by the Caden's entrance, immediately, I stood up, walking hastily towards him.

"Caden!" I said when I was closer to him.

He looked at me with a devilish smirk as he said "Easy there Fiona, don't be too eager to get the dick."

Shocked, I said "What?."

"Are you dumb, blonde is usually the dumb, but now I think black is the new dumb, actually Fiona is the new dumb" He said, walking away from me, leaving me confused.

"Are you okay?" I asked, still worried. Did the drugs get to his head?.

He stopped walking, looked back at me "I am okay, but are you, sweetheart?."

I visibly tensed at the use of that stupid endearment, I was too shocked to reply, but thankfully, Caroline came to my rescue as she snapped "Stop being a douche, Motherfucker!."

Caden only looked at her, shaking his head in mock pity as he said slowly "Black is really the new dumb."

I gasped in surprise and annoyance "What's wrong with you?."

He turned, faced me as he sneered "You. You are wrong with me and You are wrong for me, so stay the fuck away from me, bitch" laying emphasis on the last word.

I was glued to the ground, surprise flowing through my veins. I watch as Caroline growl in annoyance, removing her left shoe as she hurled it at his face, and it met him, 'cause that girl has aim, but that didn't stop Caden as he continued to spit his hurtful words at me.

"Pretty Princess Fiona, always having people to fight her battles for her, Daddy, Cara and now, this black bitch. You just have to accept the fact that not everyone wants you, some just want to use you, play with you, toy with you, because you are dumb. You don't even have the common sense to know who hates you and who loves you. Tssk, stupid you, stupid Fiona, and definitely Stupid Vanilla" He concluded, saying the last word with mockery.

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