1: The Beginning

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Everything started on a Monday. 

Mondays were already horrible. For Y/n, it wasn't as horrible to her as others though. She would wake up, drink a cup of coffee, then go to her laptop and work. Thankfully, her job allowed her to work from home. 

But one particular Monday was worse than the others. 

She wakes up, makes her coffee, and is about to sit down, when she gets a call from her friend, Russia. 

Y/n had a crush on Russia. Russia was oblivious, despite the hints she dropped. 

She would keep trying. 

"Hello?" Y/n answers the call after taking a sip of coffee. 

"Y/n I need your help," Russia says. Something in his voice sounded...lighter...? Happier maybe...?

"At seven AM?" She laughs. "Are you sure you're not hungover?" 

"I don't drink on Sundays," He remarks. "Also that's not the point. While I was drunk on Saturday I met someone," 

That was when Y/n's feelings were sent on a rollercoaster. 

Russia told her about the girl he had met. Of course, he had been drunk so he hadn't talked to her at all. Or so he thought. 

To Y/n, the girl he talked about sounded more like a hooker than anything else. When she asked him about it, he dismissed her theories. 

"So what do you need me for?" Y/n asks once his story's done. She masks the sadness in her voice well. Then again, Russia had a hard time recognizing emotions. 

But you were supposed to be happy if the person you loved was happy, right?

Yeah...that was right.

A couple of weeks later, Y/n was standing at the bar. She was watching Russia, who was sitting a little further down. He was talking to a girl. She was actually fairly pretty. 

Over the time that they had spend together, Y/n had helped him find the girl he liked (in the least creepy way possible/with the least amount of stalking involved). It turned out that she stopped by the bar every other Saturday for drinks. 

That night, Y/n watches as Russia goes over to her. She doesn't want to watch, but she does anyway. 

He's been so hopeful...don't let him down...

He talks to the girl for a few minutes. Finally, Russia turns and flashes her a quick thumbs up. 

And that was it. 

Y/n does her best to smile at him. Once he turns away, she puts some money on the counter and leaves. The air was definitely much cooler than it had been during the day. Y/n puts her hands in her sweater pockets and begins walking home. 

She could feel tears running down her face. 

He's happy he's happy he's...goddamnit...

Y/n wipes the tears away and continues. Her pace quickens until she's running. She runs until she ends up running into someone else. Y/n ends up falling down to the pavement. 

"Woah! Y/n slow down!" 

Y/n looks up and sees that she's run into America. He had also fallen, and the freedom country scrambles to straighten his sunglasses, but the smile remains on his face. 

America was one of her other close friends. He was always happy and smiling. At first, he had been a bit stuck-up around Y/n. But as time went on, he became much more enjoyable to be around. Y/n knew that deep down he was actually a very sweet guy.

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