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"What if I trip or drop the ring- or what if I screw up on my dumb vows-?" 

"Calm down, Y/n," Philippines tells her. "Jesus Christ, weddings aren't supposed to be this stressful! You're getting married!" 

Y/n nods and lets her friend dab her fresh tears away with a tissue. 

(yo i was rereading that sentence and my brain just stopped at dab so now all I can picture is Philippines dabbing on the wedding)

"There, now suck it up, cause I am not reapplying your mascara again," Philippines says firmly. 

"Why do I have to wear makeup anyway?" Y/n grumbles. "It feels like my face is suffocating," 

"I didn't even put that much foundation on you," Her friend replies. "And you look pretty, N/n," 

"I- thank you..." Y/n finally calms a bit. "Can we go now? I can't wait here anymore," 


Philippines takes her hand and pulls the bride out of her dressing room. They walk for a bit until Y/n spots Britain waiting for them. She had asked the country to talk her down the aisle, since both of her parents were gone. 

"You look beautiful, my dear," He says to her. 

"Thank you, Britain," Y/n giggles with a small blush on her face. 

"America is either gonna scream or pass you when he sees her," Philippines adds proudly before running off to find her seat in the other room. 

"Unfortunately, she's probably right," Britain mutters, making the girl laugh again. "Are you ready?" 

"No, but I don't want to wait anymore either..." Y/n mumbles. 

"You'll do fine," He assures her, offering his arm for her to take. She smiles and hooks her arm around his. 

Y/n can't really remember what happened when she started walking down the aisle. All she could see was America, who was there waiting for her. 

She soon stops in front of him. The tall country takes her hands. His were shaking either out of excitement or nervousness. Y/n gives them a gentle squeeze of reassurance and smiles at him. 

Skipping to the good part,

"Does anyone have any objections?" 

Y/n looks Philippines dead in the eye the moment her friend tries to stand up. 

"You'd better sit your a** down, Philippines," She says. 

Philippines just smiles innocently, but returns to her seat. Everyone in the crowd laughs. 

"In that case," The priest guy continues. "You may now kiss the bride," 

Y/n grabs America's collar and yanks him down into a kiss. She feels America grin as he wraps his arms around her waist. Everyone starts clapping for them. 

"Do you know how hard it's been not kissing you all day?" America chuckles when they pull apart. "They told me I had to wait," 

"Oh how dreadful," She giggles sarcastically. "But you have to admit that this was exciting," 

"I'm just more excited for the wedding night," He tells her quietly with a smirk. 

Y/n face turns bright red and she punches him in the arm.

"You've got the thing right?" Y/n mutters quietly to Canada. 

"I've got the thing," He tells her. 

"What's 'the thing'?" America asks in confusion. "Am I missing something?" 

"You are," Canada says. "Y/n and I have been plotting," 

"That sound ominous," The freedom country says. 

"Time for the flower toss thing," Y/n declares while standing up. 

"Wait Y/n I'm not ready yet-" 

"Suck it up, Canadian, you'd better be ready," She tells him. America is confused out of his mind, but he watches as both of them walk to the center of the room. 

Y/n acts like she's about to throw the flowers back behind her, but instead she simply walks to the crowd of women and hands the flowers to Ukraine. 

"What are you doing?" The Slavic country says in confusion. 

"Turn around," Y/n smiles at her. 

Ukraine turns around, then her eyes widen. 

Canada was on one knee on the ground behind her. 


Y/n's snatches the flowers back and chucks them at her husband, nailing him in the face. But thankfully, Ukraine takes the ring. 

(I saw this in a video and I thought it was cute)

A little while later, everyone had eaten, drank, dance, and all of the other things you could possibly do at a wedding. Y/n was changed into a less fancy dress, to her relief. But eventually everything ended. 

She's walking to the car with America with her hand in his. 

"That was fun and all," He says. "But I never got a single moment alone with you," 

"You're alone with me now," Y/n tells him. "But yeah, I did miss you, even though you were right next to me the entire time," 

America chuckles and kisses her before they get into the car. 

They drive for a while until Y/n speaks up again. 

"This isn't the way home," She tells him. 

"I know," 

"Are you kidnapping me?" Y/n laughs. 

"No," America replies with a smile. "Just wait," 

She sends him a playful glare before falling silent again. But soon, they pull up to a familiar forest. 

Y/n gets out and follows America, she knew where they were going by then. The tall country scoops her up and carries her, making Y/n giggle the entire way. 

He finally sets her down in the field of flowers. Even in the dark, America's eyes sparkled a bit. 

Y/n wraps her arms around his waist and holds him. She feels him put his arms around her as well. America kisses the top of her head as they stand there together. 

He's the first to pull away. The freedom country cups her face in his hands and presses his lips against hers. Y/n more her arms up to wrap around his neck. 

"I love you, Stars," She tells him once they pull apart again.   

America smiles and pecks her on the lips. "I love you too, Angel,"

omg guys i did it, i finished something

thank you all so much for the support on this book! you're all beautiful people <3

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