31: The Garden

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Hey wasn't this a title in my oneshot book?

Idk, just read the thing



"America are you ready yet?" 


Most people would think that Y/n would take the most time getting ready. 

Nope, America was the one who always took his goddamn time. 

Y/n taps her foot impatiently as she waits by the door. Thankful, he soon walks downstairs and over to her. The tall country was wearing a black tuxedo and his signature sunglasses. 

"Sorry," He says, kissing her on the forehead. "You look beautiful," 

"Thank you. You're forgiven," Y/n giggles. She was wearing a long dress that almost touched the floor. It was the most formal thing that she had, but it was quite pretty. 

They make their way to the party, which was being held at some fancy rented mansion. Y/n was never one for expensive things, but she couldn't help but feel a bit excited. Plus, the place had a large garden in the backyard, which she planned to visit by some point in the night. 

America offers his arm for her to take with a cheesy smile on his face. Y/n smiles and lets him lead her inside the venue. 

Saying that the house was huge was an understatement. 

The building was massive. Even with the large crowd of both humans and countries inside, it still seemed to have spare space. 

Y/n spots Canada and Ukraine, and pulls America in their direction. 

"Hi guys!" She greets. 

"Y/n!" Canada runs over and hugs her, making America pout.

"Yes, it's very good to see you too, Canada," He says, his voice laced heavily with sarcasm. 

Canada laughs and goes to hug his brother next. "Sorry bro. Hello, how are you?" 

They both laugh and give each other one of those awkward sibling hugs. 

"Has he proposed yet?" Ukraine asks Y/n quietly. The human girl blushes harshly, but then reverses the question. 

"I don't know, you know Canada better than I do," 

Ukraine, despite always seeming so calm and stoic, becomes a bit red as well. But both of them end up laughing after a few moments of awkward silence. 

"What are you two talking about?" America asks in amusement.

"Nothing!" Both say in unison. 

Y/n follows America around as he introduces her to a few countries that she hadn't met yet. It seemed as if all 195 countries were there along with the UN staff Members.  

Most of the staff was okay, the others were...a bit more rude. Y/n kept catching a few of the women looking at her, then talking behind her back. It made her a bit upset, but America would always pull her towards something else before she could really process it. 

They're mid conversation with Belarus and Norway when the music slows down. The countries they're talking to immediately leave to dance, making Y/n laugh a bit. 

"May I have this dance, m'lady," America asks with another cheesy grin on his face. 

"You may," Y/n says, taking the hand offered to her and letting him pull her to the dance floor. He wraps an arm around her waist and holds her hand in his. She smiles up at him as they begin dancing slowly to the music. 

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